
Director Manish Vatssalya’s SCOTLAND Releasing On 7th August 2020

Director Manish Vatssalya’s SCOTLAND Releasing On 7th August 2020

Studded with 62 international awards and having made into the coveted list of OSCARS Best feature film category, director Manish Vatssalya’s Crime thriller ‘Scotland’ is set to bedazzle the viewers on 7th August as it makes its global digital release with ShemarooMe Box Office.

Director Manish Vatssalya reveals, “It was an incredible honor to make such a socially relevant movie. To then get bracketed along with Hollywood blockbusters and cinema worldwide at the OSCARS is a dream outcome for any director. I hope the viewers admire the effort of some of the brilliant minds of creativity at work.”

‘Scotland’ is based on real incidents of rapes happening unfortunately in our Country. What happens when the victims become vigilante after they get crushed by a merciless biased system is the movie’s surmise. The song in the movie brought to the viewers by Zee music, ‘Mere Parvardigaar’ presents the melodious voice of Arijit Singh in lyrics so craftily penned by Rajiv Rana, in a way never heard by his countless fans.

Ex Scottish cop debutant Adam Saini who won 11 best actor’s awards in various international film festivals for the movie says “It was such a delight for a newcomer in me to get sculpted by the talented hands of Manish Vatssalya.”

Scotland features Adam Saini, Khushboo Purohit a much celebrated finalist of Dance India Dance and popular soap opera face,Chetan Pandit known for A Wednesday and Dilwale etc,Daya Shankar Pandey known for Lagan and renowned TV show Tarak Mehta, Young Talent like Aakash Dagar,samar katyaan,Amin Gazi,Shahbaz khan,Sanjeev jha,Hema  kanoi and director Vatssalya himself among others.

The film written by Piyush Priyank and edited by Mansoor Azmi has been produced by British producer Zaina Ibourek and Manish Vatssalya under the banner of Mars UK Films and Vatssalya Films. The film can be viewed by making booking on the ShemarooMe app and through book my show as well.

Ameesha Patel – Prateik Babbar And Swedish Actress Elli AvrRam Join The Celebrity Star Cast Of 7th Sense Web Series To Be Shot In The UAE

Ameesha Patel – Prateik Babbar And Swedish Actress Elli AvrRam Join The Celebrity Star Cast Of 7th Sense Web Series To Be Shot In The UAE

अमीषा पटेल, प्रतीक बब्बर और स्वीडीश मूल की एक्ट्रेस एली अवराम यूएई में शूट होने वाली वेब सीरीज ‘सेवेंथ सेंस’ की स्टार कास्ट के साथ जुड़ें ।

  • गौरांग दोषी प्रोडक्शन की वेब सीरीज की शूटिंग अगस्त में यूएई में शुरू होगी। वीजा और परमिशन का काम फाइनल स्टेज में है।
  • डायरेक्टर और टेक्निकल टीम समेत 15 सदस्यों का दल 1 अगस्त की सुबह एमिरेट्स एयरलाइंस से यूएई पहुंचेगा।

28 जुलाई 2020, मुंबई, भारत: गौरांग दोषी प्रोडक्शन ने ऐलान किया है कि उनकी स्टारकास्ट से भरी नई वेब सीरीज सेवेंथ सेंस के साथ अमीषा पटेल, प्रतीक बब्बर और स्वीडिश मूल की अभिनेत्री एली अवराम भी जुड़ेंगी। आर माधवन, रोनित रॉय, चंकी पांडेय, तनुज विरमानी, आशिम गुलाटी, सना सईद, एहसास चन्ना, दिव्येंदु भट्टाचार्या, सज्जाद डेलाफ्रूज और मनुज शर्मा जैसे मशहूर अभिनेताओं की स्टार कास्ट के साथ ये तीनों भी अब जुड़ने जा रहे हैं।

पिछले महीने बॉलीवुड के जाने माने निर्माता गौरांग दोषी ने दो नई वेब सीरीज सेवेंथ सेंस और लाइन ऑफ फायर के साथ डिजिटल इंटरटेनमेंट की दुनिया में कदम रखा।

बड़े बजट की ये वेब सीरीज यूएई के बड़े व्यापारी गिनीज वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड विजेता सुहेल मोहम्मद अल जरूनी की देखरेख में बनाई जा रही हैं। इनकी शूटिंग यूएई में ही होगी।

निर्माता गौरांग दोषी ने कहा कि “अमीषा पटेल और प्रतीक बब्बर जैसे बड़े स्टार के सेवेंथ सेंस के साथ जुड़ने के बाद ये और ज्यादा रोमांचक हो गया है। मेरा हमेशा से लार्जर दैन लाइफ कैनवस के साथ बड़े स्टार कास्ट की फिल्में बनाने में विश्वास रहा है। अब तक किसी भी वेब सीरीज के सबसे बड़े स्टार कास्ट के साथ जुड़ने के बाद हम एक बेहद भव्य और शानदार सीरीज बनाने वाले हैं। दर्शकों को शानदार लोकेशन, बांधने वाली स्टोरी, आकर्षक संरचना और ग्लैमरस सेट के जरिए बेहद दिलचस्प मर्डर मिस्ट्री दिखाकर हैरान कर देंगे”।

दोषी ने कहा कि “हम अपनी पहली वेब सीरीज सेवेंथ सेंस की अगस्त में शुरू होने वाली शूटिंग के लिए वीजा और दूसरी तैयारियों के आखिरी चरण में हैं। पहली अगस्त की सुबह एमिरेट्स एयरलाइंस से टेक्निकल टीम और निर्देशकों का हमारा 15 सदस्यों का दल यूएई पहुंचने वाला है। 140 दिन में हम सीजन-1 और सीजन-2 की शूटिंग पूरी कर लेंगे। ज्यादातर शूटिंग दुबई और अबुधाबी में होंगे”।

वेब सीरीज को लेकर अमीषा पटेल ने कहा कि “मैं वेब सीरीज में शुरुआत को लेकर बेहद एक्साइटेड हूं। बेहद शानदार कंसेप्ट और कंटेंट के साथ ही मैं यूएई में, जहां कि मैं हमेशा जाना चाहती हूं और जाती रहती हूं, वहां पर इस वेब सीरीज की शूट को लेकर भी बेहद रोमांचित हूं। अमीषा पटेल ने कहा कि मुझे वहां के लोगों, वहां का खाना, वहां की संस्कृति, ग्लैमरस और भव्य लोकेशन से बेहद लगाव है। ये सभी मिलकर इस वेब सीरीज को भी रोमांचक बनाने वाले हैं। चार महीने तक लॉकडाउन में रहने के बाद काम शुरू करना बेहद अच्छा अनुभव होगा”।

गौरांग दोषी के साथ काम करने को लेकर अमीषा ने कहा कि “गौरांग और मैं हमेशा से फिल्मों में एक दूसरे के साथ काम करना चाहते थे लेकिन ये अब तक संभव नहीं हो पाया था। लेकिन अब मेरे पास मौका है। मैं अपने अच्छे दोस्त और बेहतर निर्माता के साथ वेब सीरीज की शुरुआत कर बेहद खुश हूं। गौरांग हमेशा से बॉलीवुड फिल्मों को बड़े कैनवस पर शूट करने के लिए जाने जाते हैं। मुझे पूरा विश्वास है कि इस बार भी वो डिजिटल इंटरटेनमेंट में अपनी छाप छोड़ने में कोई कसर नहीं रखेंगे”।

वापस शूटिंग पर लौटने को लेकर बेहद उत्साहित प्रतीक बब्बर ने कहा कि “मैं फिर से शूटिंग पर लौटकर खुद को बेहद भाग्यशाली समझता हूं। इस प्रोजेक्ट की शुरुआत के लिए गौरांग को सैल्यूट करता हूं। दर्शक कुछ अप्रत्याशित, रॉलर कोस्टर राइड की उम्मीद लगाए होंगे और मेरा कैरेक्टर इसे और ज्यादा रोमांचक बनाएगा। इसलिए तैयार हो जाइए”।

स्वीडिश मूल की अभिनेत्री एली अवराम ने कहा कि “मैं शब्दों में बयां नहीं कर सकती कि वापस सेट पर लौटने, एक कैरेक्टर में ढलने और उसे जीते हुए शूट करने को लेकर मैं कितनी उत्साहित हूं। जब मुझे पता चला कि गौरांग सर इसका निर्माण कर रहे हैं तो मैं बेहद खुश हुई। मैं बेहतर स्क्रिप्ट होगी ये पहले से जानती थी, क्योंकि स्क्रिप्ट को लेकर वो बेहद चूजी हैं। वो अच्छी तरह समझते हैं कि क्या बेहतर होगा। मैं अपने आपको खुशनसीब मानती हूं कि सर ने मेरे ऊपर विश्वास किया और मुझे इस शो का हिस्सा बनने का मौका दिया”।

मिकी वायरस से मशहूर हुई और बिग बॉस में हिस्सा ले चुकी एली अवराम ने कहा कि “ये मेरे लिए काफी मायने रखता है और मैं इनकी उम्मीदों पर खरी उतरने के लिए अपना बेस्ट दूंगी, उम्मीद है कि आगे भी हम साथ में दूसरे कई प्रोजेक्ट पर काम करें”।

‘सेवेंथ सेंस’ एक क्राइम थ्रिलर/ मर्डर मिस्ट्री है जो कि अपने जोरदार प्लॉट और शानदार स्क्रीनप्ले के जरिए दर्शकों को अपनी सीट पर बैठे रहने के लिए मजबूर करेगी। ‘सेवेंथ सेंस’ के साथ साथ ही जासूसी थ्रिलर शो ‘लाइन ऑफ फायर’ की तैयारी भी शुरू हो जाएगी।

वेब सीरीज “लाइन ऑफ फायर” में दो सीजन होंगे जिसमें प्रकाश राज, जिमी शेरगिल, मोहम्मद जीशान अयुब, तनुज विरमानी, विजय राज, तनिष्ठा चटर्जी, कबीर सिंह, सना सईद, मनु ऋषि और तन्वी आजमी जैसे सुपरस्टार काम करेंगे।

‘सेवेंथ सेंस’ का निर्देशन करण दर्दा कर रहे हैं जबकि स्टोरी और स्क्रीनप्ले जिब्रान नूरानी का है।


‘लाइन ऑफ फायर’ वेब सीरीज की स्टोरी लिखी है शायक रॉय और अंकुल सिंह ने। शायक रॉय के निर्देशन में बन रही इस वेब सीरीज के स्क्रीनप्ले राइटर अंकुल सिंह, निखिल मिश्रा और संजय कुमार हैं।

मधु भंडारी, अमे डी नारगोलकर और मुनीर अवान दोनों वेब सीरीज के असोसिएट प्रोड्यूसर हैं, जबकि पराग पारेख और रौनक फाइनांशियल एडवाइजर हैं।

गौरांग दोषी के बारे में:

तीन बार के लिम्का बुक अवॉर्ड विजेता हैं। बॉलीवुड के लिए ‘आंखें’, ‘दीवार- लेट्स ब्रिंग आवर हीरोज होम’ और ‘बवंडर- स्टैंडस्टोर्म’ जैसी हिट फिल्में दे चुके हैं। निर्माता गौरांग दोषी को लीक से हटकर फिल्में बनाना पसंद है।

गौरांग की कंपनी गौरांग दोषी प्रोडक्शन का लोगो ‘Veni Vidi Vici’ मतलब ‘मैं आया, मैंने देखा और मैंने फतह किया’ ही उनके बारे में सबकुछ स्पष्ट कर देता है। उनकी फिल्में उन विषयों पर आधारित होती हैं जिनपर कि शायद ही कोई मूवी बनी हो। ऐसे विषय को वो बेहद खूबसूरती से दर्शाते हैं।

उन्होंने बॉलीवुड में कई नए एक्टर्स को भी मौका दिया है, जो कि अब इंडस्ट्री के बड़े स्टार हैं। साथ ही कई एक्टर्स का करियर फिर से लॉन्च करने में भी मदद किया है। निर्देशक गौरांग के आने वाले प्रोजेक्ट में ‘आंखें रिटर्न्स’, ‘हैप्पी एनिवर्सरी’ और ‘इंडियंस इ डेंजर’ शामिल हैं।

——–Anuroopa Mukherjee

Pulse 360 PR & Marketing Communications

Email: anuroopa@pulse360me.com

Dr Abdul Rehman Vanoo Helps Daily Workers In Bollywood With Necessities

Dr Abdul Rehman Vanoo Helps Daily Workers In Bollywood With Necessities

Dr Abdul Rehman Vanoo,  is elected as Hon. General Secretary of   Dadasaheb Phalke Film Foundation,he is a man of integrity, hard work and excellence. He always had a vision to uplift and upgrade the technicians of hindi film industry and he has taken huge efforts in that direction.

We all know how the lockdown and the pandemic has proved to be very tough for the daily wage workers, specially technicians in the film world. Dr Vanoo was responsible for sending daily essentials and money to the needy during this period even in the outskirts of Mumbai areas like Virar and Palghar. He said, “The industry is not filled with just actors, producers, writers and directors. While the spotlight is always on them in most award functions, we feel that the technicians including spotboys, cameramen and lakhs of people who work for their daily wages on the sets are also contributing to making a film and the final product. So, we made sure that they do not suffer during this period. We supplied daily essentials to them in various parts of Mumbai.”

Dr Vanoo has also helped the Mumbai Police and provided them with essentials during the lockdown. The Mumbai Police had set up a quarantine centre in Kalina, Santacruz and Dr Vanoo helped in providing many services to them. Borivali, Dharavi and many other areas have been provided with daily essentials by Dr Vanoo’s organisation. He said, “Many people lost their jobs and we decided to give them work and food. And this was not only restricted to Mumbai. We provided these facilities and daily essentials to Delhi, Pune and many other cities in India. We also researched on how people deal with mental health during the lockdown. And in addition, we also continue to maintain healthcare facilities and providing jobs to daily wage workers. The government is also giving us good support.”

The daily wage workers of Dadasaheb Foundation were also badly affected. Dr Vanoo said, “We took a huge list of addresses of these workers and provided them with food, daily essentials, groceries and medical support to the entire staff. Nalasopara, Mira Road and many others areas, we transported daily essential services. Since we were working with Mumbai Police, we had a pass to travel to different areas and therefore, a big thanks to the Police department, since we could use this pass in helping others.”


In addition, Dr Vanoo is also working towards uplifting and upgrading the skills of these technicians. He said, “Most of these workers have come to the city to earn their daily bread. They are not educated. So, we motivate them to study further and make them self-reliant. We also encourage them to learn special skills, which in turn would help them in the filmmaking process. I feel this is important for the people of our country and the film industry.”

Parle-G Partners With Vidya Balan’s Movie Shakuntala Devi To Celebrate The Math Genius

Parle-G Partners With Vidya Balan’s Movie Shakuntala Devi To Celebrate The Math Genius

Mumbai, July 27, 2020: Parle Products, India’s leading biscuits and confectionery manufacturer, has announced its partnership with the film, ‘Shankunatala Devi’ with the launch of a new co-branded video on Amazon Prime Video which will be promoted on OTT and digital platforms. Featuring the lead actress of the movie, Vidya Balan, the partnership amalgamates the brilliance of Shakuntala Devi, a mathematics genius with Parle-G to emphasize how Parle-G has nurtured ‘Genius minds’ since ages.

Parle-G seeks to demonstrate the message of ‘G Maane Genius and Genius yaani Shankutala Devi’ with this association. The co-branded video displays courage, confidence and provides a glimpse of Shakuntala Devi’s journey from being a child prodigy to gaining global recognition as the ‘human computer’. The movie, ‘Shankuntala Devi’ which will be released on Amazon Prime Video on July 31st, is a biopic based on the mathematical wizard who lived her life on her own terms. While the film pays tribute to her genius as a mathematician, it also humanizes her as a woman and mother, in trying to capture her indomitable spirit. Told through the lens of her relationship with her daughter Anu, the film highlights their very different struggles and aspirations. Vidya Balan’s charm and brilliant screen presence as the lead actress in the movie makes it a perfect treat for the audience.

Expressing his delight on this association, Mayank Shah, Sr. Category Head, Parle Products said, “This partnership is an honest effort to communicate our brand philosophy in an authentic and engaging manner. Since the inception of our brand, our goal has been to build positive inspiration for kids over generations to encourage them to reach the pinnacle of success. Our association with the movie ‘Shankutala Devi’ which is based on the world-renowned mathematician, has been an exciting move as it is in the lines of creating genius which is Parle G’s core message.” He concluded, “This partnership celebrates what sets us apart, which is the generations of children that go above and beyond exploring possibilities in a way that makes their little world and imagination better.”

As its unique taste expanded over the globe, Parle-G has emerged as the world’s largest selling biscuit brand. This partnership showcasing Parle G being an integral part of the narrative will be promoted on OTT and digital platforms.

About Parle:

Since 1929, Parle has grown to become India’s leading manufacturer of biscuits and confectionery. As the makers of the world’s largest selling biscuit, Parle-G, and a host of other very popular brands, the Parle name symbolizes quality, nutrition and superior taste.

An in-depth understanding of the Indian consumer psyche has helped Parle develop a marketing philosophy that reflects the needs of the Indian masses. It has made it a tradition to deliver both health and taste, with a value-for-money positioning that allows people from all classes and age groups to enjoy Parle products to the fullest.

With a reach spanning the remotest villages of India and major cities across the world, the House of Parle has become synonymous with trust, globally.

Website: http://www.parleproducts.com/

Veteran Bollywood Most Popular Beautyful Heroine Kumkum Passess Away

Veteran Bollywood Most Popular Beautyful Heroine Kumkum Passess Away

Bollywood actress Kumkum has passed away. She was 86 years old. However, the reason for his death has not been revealed. Born on 22 April 1934 in Sheikhpura, Bihar, Kumkum’s real name was Zaibunnissa. Her father was the Nawab of Hussainabad.

She also acted in the first Bhojpuri film “Ganga Maiya Tohe Piyari Chadhaibo” (1963). Actually Kumkum is considered to be the discovery of Guru Dutt. Guru Dutt portrayed song “Kabhi Ar Kabhi Paar Laga Tire Nazar” from his film Ar Paar (1954)  on Kumkum. Later Guru Dutt also gave him a  character in his film Pyaasa.

She had acted in about 115 films in her career. She is known for his brilliant performances in Mr. X in Bombay (1964), Mother India (1957), Son of India (1962), Kohinoor (1960), Ujala, Naya Daur, Sriman Funtoosh, Ek Sapera Ek Lootera. She had worked with many superstars of her era such as Kishore Kumar, Guru Dutt.

Renowned Ayurveda Expert Acharya Manish- COVID Era Has Resulted In The Re-Emergence Of Ayurveda

Renowned Ayurveda Expert Acharya Manish- COVID Era Has Resulted In The Re-Emergence Of Ayurveda

Unique Initiative: Renowned Ayurveda proponent Acharya Manish spearheads  distribution of free immunity booster medicines to COVID patients across India

Renowned Ayurveda expert Acharya Manish– “COVID era has resulted in the re-emergence of Ayurveda.”

Acharya Manish chalks out ambitious expansion plan for ‘Shuddhi Ayurveda’, aims to set up over 200 more clinics across India by year end

Well known Ayurveda expert Acharya Manish’s immunity boosting medicines turn many COVID 19 patients across India negative in 3 days flat

New Delhi/NCR, July , 2020:

Award winning Ayurveda expert & motivational speaker  – Acharya Manish, has initiated a social campaign to counter the spread of COVID 19. Acharya Manish uses age-old therapies of Ayurveda to promote the 5000 – years – old vedic science. It is noteworthy that Acharya Manish has founded ‘Shuddhi Ayurveda’ an Ayurvedic Clinic & Research Centre at Zirakpur. ‘Shuddhi Ayurveda’ already has presence across India through 105 clinics which are helping patients adopt Ayurveda to counter all type of diseases.

It is noteworthy that ‘Shuddhi Ayurveda’ has a presence in Delhi NCR with 5 clinics in Delhi, 3 in Gurugram and 1 each in Faridabad & Noida.

To fight against COVID 19 an intense research conducted by Ayurvedic doctors under the guidance of Acharya Manish was done and an immunity boosting pack – ‘Shuddhi Herbal Immunity Package’ was made. Using this pack & specialised anti COVID medications Acharya Manish started an initiative to help needy people, who were not able to afford expensive medicines, against the n Coronavirus. A helpline number 8273183731 was established , where calls from across the country were and are still being received and already as many as 500 needy people have asked for the package & customised medicines all of which are certified by AYUSH.

Acharya Manish said, “As the pandemic has struck the whole world, millions of people have lost their jobs. People infected with the virus don’t even have money for their medical treatment. Therefore we decided to conduct a social initiative and distribute our anti COVID combo free to COVID patients.”

He highlighted, “In the combo we have included three medicines, Vish Har Ras, thirty two (32) herbs tea and Ayush Kwath. Vish Har Ras has major ingredients like Neem & Giloy, which have high antiviral properties. The tea contains 32 medicinal herbs like elaichi, dalchini which have antioxidant properties and Ayush Kwath contains tulsi, pepper and shunthi which help in increasing immunity. I am happy to say that many of the COVID 19 patients turned negative in just 3-4 days of using our immunity booster pack and other medicines.”

It is pertinent to state  that many elated patients’ who turned negative in just 3-4 days of taking the medication sent back videos of their experience and also advocated adopting Ayurveda for a healthy lifestyle.

Patients who benefitted were not only spread across Delhi NCR but even states like Maharashtra, Gujarat, UP, Haryana, Chhattisgarh, Himachal and West Bengal. Beneficiaries included those with COVID like symptoms, those who wanted to protect themselves from the disease and Corona positive patients. As many as 100 COVID positive patients turned negative after 3 days to a week of using the medicines.

When Corona entered India, Acharya Manish had told the central government that with the help of Ayurveda, the disease can be prevented, PM Modi himself also announced that with the help of Ayurveda one can increase the immunity to prevent the virus infection.

“The sad part is that even in the land where Ayurveda was born –India, the science has always been given lesser importance than Allopathy. But now due to benefits people are witnessing from Ayurveda in countering COVID 19, Ayurveda is again getting recognition and it is a matter of time before Ayurveda becomes a preferred treatment protocol in India.” Opined Acharya Manish.

Ignited by the idea of promoting Ayurveda as a way of life and to make the saying ‘Vocal for Local’ a reality in India’s healthcare sector, Acharya Manish has chalked out an ambitious expansion plan for ‘Shuddhi Ayurveda’. Under this, over 200 centres in addition to the existing 105 clinics of ‘Shuddhi Ayurveda’ will be set up by this year end.

Zenofar Fathima Will Chill Down Your Spine In Phycho Horror Thriller SPECTER Web Series By Zen Film Productions

Zenofar Fathima Will Chill Down Your Spine In Phycho Horror Thriller SPECTER  Web Series By Zen Film Productions

Under the Quija series Zen Film Productions SPECTER  delves  into horror, mystery, and the supernatural. After the local success of social awareness short films like The Power, A Dark Tale, The Peril and more, Specter is set to take psychological terror to new heights. The ten-minute film sees filmmaker and CEO of Zen Film Productions Zenofar Fathima, struggling to overcome her inner demons, as she sets out to explore an unprecedented presence. The series is currently being filmed during the Coronavirus outbreak with all safety precautions being adhered to, which is a rare feat for most filmmakers at this time. The series’ first episode has premiered exclusively on Zee Cinemas Middle East. After the much awaited release, multiple film critics in the UAE have weighed in to give their verdict on the first episode that is set catapult the saga into action. Zenofar’s performance especially fascinated audiences and film critics, who cited Zenofar as a convincing performer “who effectively brings out the character’s contrasting persona of power and vulnerability”. Others have also cited the film as one that “consistently mystifies” and as an “in quarantine shot thriller that pulls you to the edge”. Along with these reviews, audiences young and old alike had enjoyed the thrills and jump scares throughout the film. Additionally, Sheikha Hend Al Qassemi, an Emirati princess of the Al Qasimi family of Sharjah, businesswoman, and dear friend of Zenofar had praised Zenofar for her work, and wished her all the success for Specter.

On the night of the premiere, multiple bloggers, vloggers and local reporters from the UAE had also caught up with Zen to speak about the film and a little about what inspired the idea to create this series. “I think I’ve given my best to this film, it’s something new and I have taken on a new role like never seen before in my past films,” says Zenofar Fathima. Zenofar also delved into what it was like to be one of the first production houses in the UAE to initiate production during the Coronavirus. “I think we did whatever we could whilst maintaining the precautions as mandated by the government, and it is truly one of my greatest achievements- to produce a whole short film during the pandemic”. With that being said, many are also curious to understand how Zen Film Productions took certain precautions as per government rulings without compromising any aspect of Specter’s plot.

“We all stay in the same place so that was not an issue- we had a limited amount of people to work with as we were cautious due to the virus being contagious. Not only that but we had done it when the lockdown had just started and everyone had stopped work. We were all under loads of mental stress, just imagining how everything could go wrong when it was all so uncertain”, Zenofar explains. “At times like this it is important to be innovative, creative and careful in your approach- and that is exactly how we were able to follow COVID19 precautions whilst also being able to film an engaging yet enigmatic movie.

You have to make do with what you have and that, according to me is the biggest challenge for a filmmaker- but also a reflection of your talent. And now that we are moving onto the next episode, we still have to be mindful of the danger that is the Coronavirus and stay careful, whilst ensuring we can film the footage we need and create another showstopping film” says producer and director Zenofar’s Fathima.

Now that the first episode of the series has released, many are intrigued to watch how this psychological thriller is set to unfold as the first episode had ended on a cryptic cliffhanger.  There will be four additional installments of the series that will each amount to 15 minutes. The next installment in the series is currently being filmed and is called Specter: Genesis, a mystifying title that is open to audience interpretation.  “I don’t want to reveal too much about what is it come, but all I can say is get ready to witness a lot of twists and turns, and a bone chilling narrative and will start a few fresh faces as well as some renowned personalities,” says Zenofar. Specter: Genesis also promises a new lineup  of new characters with interesting backstories and backgrounds, and the second installment like the first, will be released on a to be announced exclusive platform.

Along with the continuation of the Specter Saga, Zenofar also plans to add on to her collection of public service announcements with “Tomorrow Never Came”. The story of Tomorrow Never Came revolves around a tale of a doctor who finds herself in a dilemma when the Coronavirus pandemic changes her life. The PSA comes shortly after Zenofar released the Hope PSA that focused on depression and suicidal tendencies of many during the Coronavirus. The PSA had resonated with many who had just lost their jobs or couldn’t be with their families, resulting in negative thoughts and a worsening mental well-being.


However, Zenofar changes these negative thoughts and helped to channel them in a method that breeds positivity, advising audiences to find that one reason to live. With Tomorrow Never Came, Zenofar hopes create a narrative that resonates with people- however, this time it’s  the healthcare heroes who have saved millions of lives daily. “I’ve seen so many films and PSAs in the past few months, but I haven’t seen anyone acknowledging doctors, who put their lives and their family’s lives on the line just so they can make sure we are safe and healthy. This PSA is dedicates to all the doctors who have shown us what it truly means to be a hero”, says Zenofar. The PSA has been shot and is set to be released soon.

Bollywood Actor Man Singh Manali Has Reached For The Shooting Of His Film VEBBI And His Film INTEZAAR Is Ready For Release Coming Soon

Bollywood Actor Man Singh Manali Has Reached For The Shooting Of His Film VEBBI And His Film INTEZAAR  Is Ready For Release Coming Soon

Actor Man Singh  ki “film VEBBI” ki Shooting ” Manali ” me start ho chuki hai, Actor Man Singh kafi excited hai is film ki shooting ko lekar…unka kahna hai March ke baad aisa laga tha ki shoot to door ki baad hai bahar kab niklege lekin finally shooting chalu ho rahi hai wo bhi Manali jaise hill station par jaha is waqt har koi jana chahta hai… Is film me kafi acche cast aur bhi hai Man Singh lead character Dev ka character kar rahe hai jo ki modern life ke husband ka hoga… Kafi action hai film me jo ki Manali me he hoga aur audience ko full Entertainment ka tadka is film me dekhne ko milega… Ye film Manali ki beauty ko bahut acche se present karegi aur waha ke logo me bhi excitement hai bahut din baad film ka crew manali aaya hai…March ke baad se sab ruka hua tha ab

Vebbi se logo me ummed jadi hai ki bahut jaldi sab track kar aa jayega… Puri team ko congratulations and film ke baki update aapko dete rahege .


Actor man Singh and priyanka Singh ki film Intezaar ready hai Release ke liye jo bahut jald aap logo tak pahuch jayegi… Intezaar ke songs bahut he acche hai aur fim suspense horror hai jiske liye audience bahut exited hai…bahut jald film audience ke bich me hogi.PR.,  PROMOTION by DSA BOLLYWOOD CHANNEL any enquiry call 8108925888

Unlocking The Lockdown With SPECTER

Unlocking The Lockdown With SPECTER

After a three-month wait, U.A.E. based Zen Film Productions is set to release yet another short film saga under the ‘Ouija’ series banner, which specifically delves into and blurs the lines between horror, mystery, and the supernatural. In continuation to the local success of social awareness short films like The Power, A Dark Tale, The Peril and more, ‘Specter’ is set to take psychological terror to a new dimension.

The ten-minute film sees a public figure, played by filmmaker and CEO of Zen Film Productions Zenofar Fathima, struggling to overcome her inner demons, as she sets out to explore an unprecedented presence.

Zen met up with multiple bloggers, Vloggers and local reporters in UAE on Thursday evening to formally announce the movie series. Talking to the media present, Zen says “I think I’ve given my best to this film, it’s something new and I have taken on a new role like never seen before in my past films.”

The series is currently being filmed during the Coronavirus outbreak with all safety precautions being adhered to, which is a challenging, yet rare phenomena for most filmmakers at this time. The series’ first episode premiered exclusively on Zee Cinemas Middle East (Channel 676 on Etisalat and Channel 179 on Du) on Thursday, 16th July at 11pm GST, and 12.30am IST.

“For the Indian and rest of the world viewers, the series shall be made shortly available on an OTT platform,” Zenofar stated.

Zen, as she’s called in her social circles, is a Dubai based entrepreneur, socialite, producer and actor who has been generating relevant, exclusive and original content since 2018, under her banner Zen Film Productions.

Her foray into short films begun with the ‘Enigma’ series – a collection of short film series based on social awareness. Some of the prominent ones being ‘A Dark Tale,’ based on domestic violence,

‘The Peril,’ a film delving into the imminent dangers of technology, and ‘The Power,’ a spiritual tale of believing in miracles.

Her persona as an actor has been resonated through projects like The Pit, The Peril, Hope and the newest to the bunch – Specter. She has been widely written about in almost all the leading Gulf media brands.

Zen has spent the most of her lockdown time, especially through public service announcement campaigns to raise awareness for those struggling to cope with depression and negative thoughts and the ways to overcome them.

For interview requests, features and all forms of coverage, contact Adventure Global Talent on E: hi@adventureglobaltalent.in  OR M: +91 98808 98125.

My Client’s Wife – Releases For The First Time On ShemarooMe Box Office

My Client’s Wife – Releases For The First Time On ShemarooMe Box Office

~The nail biting suspense drama marks ShemarooMe’s inaugural attempt at offering consumers a handpicked assortment of rare, distinct and high quality cinema on the Box Office platform~

Mumbai, July 25th, 2020: The launch of ShemarooMe Box Office has created quite a stir as it promises to stream some unreleased and lesser known gems. The audience, deprived of going to the movies, has been breathlessly waiting for this “Box Office” to open its innings. The wait is finally over, as “My Client’s Wife” is scheduled to be the first film to release on the video platform on 31st of July 2020.

An edge of the seat journey that keeps you guessing throughout, “My Client’s Wife” boasts of an ensemble featuring Indian cinema’s finest talents. Sharib Hashmi of Filmistaan fame along with Gulaal’s Abhimanyu Singh and Finding Fannyactress Anjali Patil headline the cast. It tells the story of a married couple played  by Abhimanyu and Anjali, and the crimes they accuse each other of. The plot thickens as Sharib enters the scene as an inquisitive lawyer.  Who is to be trusted? What is real? What is fiction? The film answers these questions as it takes you on a rollercoaster.

“The plot is the superstar of our film”, says producer Bhasker Tiwari. “Not very often has this kind of concept been experimented with in India. It is an ode to Hitchcock. Also, in this day and age of “stay at home”, ShemarooMe Box Office is the best medium for viewers to catch it. Box Office will prove to be a huge opportunity for passionate film makers who don’t have the bandwidth of big studios”, he concludes.

Sharib Hashmi, essaying the role of a no nonsense lawyer says, “Watching a new movie at a screen near you is a blissful feeling. It’s amazing that ShemarooMe with Box Office will usher back this experience.” Talking about the movie, the Slumdog Millionaire star says, “Once I read the script, it was a no brainer that I’m all in, an added bonus was the opportunity to work with Abhimanyu and Anjali.”

Abhimanyu Singh, who plays the devious husband Raghuram, says, “The way we tell stories changes as time files. The fact that “My Client’s Wife” will reach a much larger audience on ShemarooMe Box Office than with a limited release fills me with joy.” He also adds, “I wish I could divulge more about my role or the film, but the lesser you know the better, expect the unexpected is all I say”.

While writing the character of Sindoora Singh, played by Anjali Patil, Writer & Director Prabhakar Meena Bhaskar Pant said, “My Client’s Wife is an intelligent thriller. The story is peppered with twists and turns and Anjali’s character is wickedly grey.” Excited about the film premiering on the Box Office platform, he adds, “We live in a digital world, even more so now. With everyone staying in, it’s a brilliant effort to deliver some truly “different” movies to people. I’m gung ho about the film coming to ShemarooMe Box Office”.

“My Client’s Wife” is just the beginning, as ShemarooMe Box Office is ready with movies from all over the country for audiences to feast over. From “Scotland”, the internationally acclaimed drama to “Graham Staines, Ek Ankahi Sachhai: The Least of These”, starring Sharman Joshi along with a reputed international cast. “The Hidden Strike”, an intense action entertainer will also feature on the platform, and many more interesting surprises are expected to be revealed soon.

Patrons will be able to log on to ShemarooMe or BookMyShow to purchase tickets for these releases, and that’s not all, each movie can be viewed an unlimited number of times for three days, all at the nominal cost of 100 INR. To sweeten the deal, the platform is available for subscribers as well as non-subscribers. Looks like ShemarooMe Box Office shall soon turn every home into a personal cinema hall.

My Client’s Wife, starring Sharib Hashmi, Abhimanyu Singh and Anjali Patil, directed by Prabhakar Meena Bhaskar Pant, releases on ShemarooMe Box Office on the 31st of July 2020.

ShemarooMe is available at:

         For app download: Google Play Store and App Store

         Visit the website on: https://www.shemaroome.com/

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