The entire team of upcoming Hindi comedy-drama MURARI – The Mad Gentleman made a visit to the on-going Culture College Fest ‘Rhythm 2016’ at Atharva Institute of Film & Television (AIFT), that witnessed a mega film festival for movie aficionados, to promote their film. Actors Sanjay Singh, Yajuvendra Singh, Kiran Sharad, producers Kishore N Patel, and Sunil Patel were seen interacting with the crowd. The audience got super excited about the stars and had a gala time knowing about the film.
We are the official digital agency of the film MURARI – The Mad Gentleman. If you would like to interact with anyone from the MURARI – The Mad Gentleman cast/crew or if you do need any specific promotional material for your portal, publication, blog or forum, do get in touch with us. You can mail us at