Demonetization is the heated debate among the Indians these days and celebs are no more exception. Taking a dig on it, the established filmmaker, Director Deepak Saraswat expressed his views on it. He said, “Demonetization is indeed a difficult step but in long term it is going to help fight the corruption. It is high time to fight with black and fake money. Demonetization is a bold step which is supposed to be in the right direction to deal with these issues.”
According to Deepak Saraswat, “Film industry is also suffering due to demonetization. Common citizens are facing inconvenience due to that but as per the interest of the nation these trivial things don’t matter. Demonetization is an economic therapy to control the illegal money.”
He further stated that even common man has appreciated this step by our honourable PM Narendra Modi and they are in favour of demonetization. “There is so much corruption everywhere and such a hard step was need of the hour. It is obvious that we have to be practical in our approach to deal with the inconvenience these days but whenever a change takes place, common man faces problem. And ultimately it is for our welfare only.”
“Being an Indian citizen I am willing to face problems for a better future. It is my sincere appeal to other citizens not to panic and support the government for taking this gutsy step. Hindrance in daily lifestyle should not be encouraged over the long term benefits. It was a long due move and I congratulate the government for its successful implementation.” He further added.
He also said that “As a filmmaker, I always thrive to bring good changes in the society and ready to support the good cause.”
“Even global economists have accepted the fact that demonetizing the currency will help in lowering the interest rates and inflation as well. When side-effects are so wonderful, then why we should focus on short term inconvenience. We should welcome the idea and give full support for its successful execution.”
“Some of my friends from the industry do support this revolutionary step towards a cleaner and cashless economy. I urge to everyone to cooperate. Adversity always creates champions and if this economic shuffle can make us a champion in global economy then we should overlook the adversities.”
“Moreover, we are not going to lose our hard earned money since the government has made provisions for exchanging the notes easily.”