
International Chef Milind Sawant sets fire with “BURN” in BKC.

International Chef Milind Sawant sets fire with “BURN” in BKC.

A revolution has come up in mumbai, wherein Internationally travelled restaurateur and Master Chef Milind Sawant has come up with his modern & contemporary Cusine in the hear of Mumbai in BKC. With his extensive journey across the globe while working for major five star cruise lines, such as Royal Caribbean cruises, decided to bring his international experience from across various continents and blend it with Indian flair. Thus creating a fusion menu for the up and coming venture BURN. Also we had Chef Ratish Dabre assisted on BURN menu he is also very popular name in industry.

A revolution has come up in Mumbai, wherein International Chef Milind Sawant has come up with his modern & contemporary cuisine in the heart of Mumbai in BKC, where he is going to “BURN” calories of the guests with delicious food along with his partner Nayan Bhanushali, Pranav Sheth, Nikhil More also with support of his close Mehul Mistry. Many Bollywood actors like Sambhavna Seth, Rithwik, Ali Merchant (Roadies 3, and many TV Series), Imran Khan (actor & producer), actress Vividha Kirti, actress Sony Singh, D.J.Sheizwoodm, actress Maira Shejanjali, Vandana Singh, Fashion Designer Archana Tomar, Ezaj Khan, Vaishali Thacker, D.J Lloyd, D.J Akhtar, D.J kumar swamy and speacial thanks to our own resident D.J swapnil..none other than Big Boss fame Manu Punjabi.



अंतर्राष्ट्रीय शेफ मिलिंद सावंत  ने “बर्न” से बीकेसी में हंगामा कर दिए।

मुंबई में होटल व्यवसाय में एक क्रांति आई है, जिसमें अंतर्राष्ट्रीय शेफ मिलिंद सावंत ने बीकेसी में मुंबई के दिल में अपने आधुनिक और समकालीन भोजन के साथ नए व्यंजन लाये हैं, यहां वह अपने मित्रों नयन भानुशाली, प्रणव सेठ, और निखिल मोरे के साथ इसका शुभारम्भ किया है, इसके आयोजन में मेहुल मिस्त्री का बहुत सहयोग है। कई बॉलीवुड के कलाकार जैसे सम्भावना सेठ, रिथविक, अली मर्चेंट (रोडीज़ 3, और कई टीवी सीरीज फेम), इमरान खान (अभिनेता और निर्माता), अभिनेत्री विविध किरती, अभिनेत्री सोनी सिंह, डीजे शेज़वुड, अभिनेत्री वंदना सिंह, एजाज खान, वैशाली ठक्कर, इंडस्ट्रियलिस्ट अर्चना तोमर, तुषार धालीवाल, और बिग बॉस फेम मनु पंजाबी शामिल थे।

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