
Social Worker And Enterprenure JASWINDER SINGH KUKU Bringing Laurels To J & K

Social Worker And Enterprenure JASWINDER SINGH KUKU Bringing Laurels To J & K


Jammu and Kashmir is now a days at Cloud 9 because of talented youth and Dynamic magnificence, The mantra of success is not Hard work only  but Post modern Socio Political doctrine has its inclination towards Smart work also, so Smart and Hard work both simultaneously can bring some extra X factor to Life and such people contribute in several manners to Society.

Jaswinder Singh Kuku is one of the Dyanamic sports Entraprenure from Jammu. Unfortunately his first hockey’s  coach Mr Pietro Acri died in Italy ,feeling very emotional Mr Jaswinder singh pays tribute and condolences to Paolo and family of Hockey Italia so the connection with Italy is deep and emotional. Not only in India but abroad initiated his bench mark by sports Hockey game and as an Entreprenure in Jammu.Life from Social worker to Most demanding Leader in Jammu is Inspiring Youth and also Attempting to set up Atmosphere learned from Italy so that this will bring an extra bonus in Jammu Town especially.

The chronicle of More than 450 Camps if Ayush Amity, Rashan “ Food stalls Camps across Jammu and Kashmir during Covid 19 is one of best example of “ SEWA” service to Nation and society .Recently Appointed  as President of Indian Sports Aerobic &Fitness (ISAFF INDIA).

When asked about the rationale regarding youth Jaswinder Singh Kuku says “ well it is a big responsibility and i will try my best to fulfil expectations, Youth is our prosperous treasure so we ought to train and fit more youth so that more and more opportunities’ will buzz the doors, Youth need to Grab evening time in fitness at least 1 hour in outdoor games or running ,whosoever the physical activity arrives it must be well challenged every day.

Jaswindrer Singh Kuku is also Secretary of Rotary Club helping hands Jammu which aims to promote Women and Youth Mostly .Being very Clear and Focused to promote local craft, Art and culture.

Jaswindrer sing Kuku has brought laurels to India and Jammu and Kashmir ,in Hockey he has been part of Five senior national and at least five jonuer National ,representing National games of India, Bronze medal in Rural Sports since School times before leaving Italy where he has been part of Italy Club and Coach. As of know Handling  Hotel as an owner and also empowering youth oriented policies.


Social Worker And Enterprenure JASWINDER SINGH KUKU Bringing Laurels To J & K


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