
DILLZAN WADIA in an interview

DILLZAN  WADIA in an interview

1)      Hello and welcome Dillzan, please tell us something about yourself.

I am not a star-son nor I have any godfather in the industry so it was very difficult for me to come to this point which I believe is still a start. I Have to go a long way and I am sure I will gain success.

Dilzan WadiaFilmwalaexp

2)      When and how did you decide to enter film acting?
Since my childhood I had a dream to become and actor and I just went after it. I left my hometown Baroda when i was just 14 and struggled a lot to get recognized in the industry, i also had few bad experiences in the industry, but somehow i had my hopes high and ability to keep moving.

3)      Your entry into the film industry. What and who inspired you ?

I was born for this… Acting and achieving dreams as an actor has been by passion since childhood. I have gone through bad phases of my life but I never left the industry. I bet anybody at my place would give up. I got rejections, I got fooled by people in the industry but these were the things to learn, things did not go that good as I thought but one thing was in my mind I will never give up…

4)      Tell us about your latest film. Your co-stars, producer, director. Any interesting occurrence during the  shoot ?

Talking about my forthcoming film Four Pillars of Basement which is releasing on 6th Nov,  The movie is a Romantic, suspense, psycho thriller. I plays a security officer of a mall and assures that my acting will be loved by everyone.I won’t praise myself but I can tell you that the movie won’t let you down and as far as my acting is concern I am for sure to get good comments from the public. The film also had famous Bruna Abdullah, Aaliya singh, Shawar ali, zakir Hussain.  Yea the whole shooting was in a way interesting as we were completely shooting in a basement which is no easy to shoot.


5)  What message do you wish to convey to our youngsters ? many would like to emulate your journey, what do you wish to say to them?

Well, if you trying to get into this industry .. You need  Patients.. you can’t get break immediately.. Unless u r a star son or you have a godfather. I have no godfather in the industry nor I am a star kid… Many a times if you are a star son or if u have a godfather it becomes easy to get a break but that does not mean you will surely gain success, all depends on you and how much you are appreciated by public, if people like your acting you will surely Rock. I did not have any such godfather nor I was an a star son, but I knew one thing if I get a good chance to prove myself I can definitely Rock. So all you guys who are trying please try your best and keep up ur hopes high.. Don’t give up.

6) How are you promoting the film and how are they going?

Yes we have a complete PR AGENCY working for me and the film .. The promos are on all leading channels .. The songs are played on all music channels.. We are having Gr8 city tour to more than 10 cities .visiting malls, radio stations, clubs .. All the leading papers are covering me and the film. It really feels good.

Well Dillzan ALL THE VERY BEST for ur upcoming moviePILLARS OFBASEMENT..

Do watch the film on 6th Nov 2015 at cinemas near you

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