
World’s largest Medical Camp On Sunday 28th February at BSNL Ground in Mumbai,

World’s largest Medical Camp  On Sunday 28th February  at BSNL Ground in Mumbai,

For Benefit of the people many health, eye camps and other medical camps  are always organized every where by various organizations and NGO’s. But On Sunday 28th February 2016, World’s largest Medical Camp has been organized at BSNL Ground in Mumbai. No body might have ever thought of this lavish large scale medical camp being organized by Dr. Dharmendra Kumar the Chairman of R. K. HIV –  Research and Care Centre.

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With the help of Dr. Dharmendra Kumar this camp is being organized on a very large scale in which more than 2,00,000 peoples will be participating and will take benefit of this camp. Worlds largest medical camp in which more than 5,000 Doctors team will check all patients and will give more than 3 crores medicines free of charge.

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Shahi Jo Shahi Group’s Chairman Shri Jitendra Sharma, Actress Poonam Jhavar and many Industrialists, celebrities, banks  will lend their extreme support for this medical camp.

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In this Camp BSNL Group, Bank Of India, CDB Bank,Union Bank, Saraswat Bank, Laxmi Vishal Bank, Alchem, CDB, and many other companies have given their valuable support.

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