मुंबई – मुंबई के माटुंगा में उद्योगपति रतन टाटा का नया अवतार… इंडिया मीडिया लिंक इवेंट्स एंड मैनेजमेंट ने हर्षोल्लास के साथ मनाया उनका जन्मदिन…. देशभर से आए गणमान्य लोगों ने किया सम्मानित, दुनियाभर में ख्याति पाने वाले दिवंगत उद्योगपति रतन टाटा का जन्मदिन विश्व में भारत के उद्योग रत्न के रूप में सम्मानित होने का उत्सव इंडिया मीडिया लिंक द्वारा मनाया गया तथा माटुंगा प्रबंधन की ओर से आज उत्साह के साथ मनाया गया। उद्घाटन समारोह में रतन टाटा की सेल्फी देखते हुए वहां मौजूद प्रशंसकों को ऐसा अनुभव हुआ जैसे रतन टाटा सचमुच धरती पर वापस आ गए हों। दिन भर चले इस कार्यक्रम के दौरान देश भर से आए गणमान्य व्यक्तियों को उद्योग एवं सामाजिक चिकित्सा के क्षेत्र में उनकी उत्कृष्ट उपलब्धियों के लिए आकर्षक पुरस्कारों से सम्मानित किया गया। प्रसिद्ध बॉलीवुड अभिनेता माही शर्मा अभिनेत्री (कुमकुम भाग्य फेम), दिलीप सेन (संगीत निर्देशक), हनी भल्ला अभिनेत्री, विश्वजीत सोनी (प्रेम चोपड़ा), उदय दहिया (कॉमेडी किंग), संजय वर्मा (कॉमेडी किंग), रमाकांत मुंडे (बॉलीवुड फोटोग्राफर और पीआरओ) एवं समाजसेवी के रवि दादा ने सभी गणमान्य व्यक्तियों को सम्मानित किया।
यह भव्य कार्यक्रम माटुंगा के सांस्कृतिक हॉल में आयोजित किया गया। इस अवसर पर विविध कार्यक्रम आयोजित किये गये। कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत दिवंगत उद्योगपति रतन टाटा के भव्य तैल चित्र के अनावरण के साथ हुई, जिसमें के रवि दादा, डॉ. इस कार्यक्रम में रत्नाकर अहिरे और फिल्म उद्योग की प्रसिद्ध अभिनेत्रियाँ माही शर्मा और होनी भल्ला उपस्थित थीं। मुख्य कार्यक्रम शुरू होने के बाद, पुरस्कार समारोह का उद्घाटन महाराष्ट्र गीता के साथ किया गया। इससे पहले, मुंबईवासियों ने जेजे अस्पताल में विशेषज्ञ टीम द्वारा आयोजित रक्तदान शिविर में भाग लिया। इस अवसर पर कुमारी स्वप्नाली यादव, सत्यवान रेडकर, अभिजीत सोनवणे, फैजुला खान, डा. एसएस शास्त्री के कार्यों को महाराष्ट्र और भारत के गणमान्य व्यक्तियों द्वारा मानद पदक प्रदान करके सम्मानित किया गया। स्वर्गीय रतन टाटा गौरव पुरस्कार प्राप्त करने वाले गणमान्यों ने भारतीय उद्योग जगत के सपूत स्वर्गीय रतन टाटा का जन्मदिन लगातार आठवीं बार मनाने के लिए इंडिया मीडिया लिंक एंड इवेंट मैनेजमेंट के प्रबंध निदेशक रवि दादा की प्रशंसा की। भारत में. उस समय सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता के रवि दादा ने कहा था कि मैं वास्तव में रतन टाटा से कई बार मिला हूं। जब उनसे उनके जन्मदिन के बारे में पूछा गया तो उन्होंने कहा कि वे इसे नहीं मनाएंगे, लेकिन रवि दादा ने उनसे दृढ़तापूर्वक कहा कि देशवासियों की ओर से हम आपके जन्मदिन और आपके कार्यों का सम्मान करेंगे। हर साल रतन टाटा का जन्मदिन मनाने का कार्यक्रम मुंबई से शुरू किया गया था। रतन टाटा के हाल ही में निधन के बाद उनका पहला जन्मदिन 28 दिसंबर को मनाया गया। लेकिन सरकार ने पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह के निधन पर देश में सात दिन का शोक घोषित किया था। इसलिए, 28 जनवरी 2025 को रतन टाटा के जन्मदिन पर कार्यक्रम आयोजित कर उन्हें सम्मानित करने के लिए मुंबई और पूरे देश से बधाइयां आ रही हैं।
छायाकार: रमाकांत मुंडे मुंबई
के रवि द्वारा सर रतन टाटा बिजनेस एक्सीलेंस अवार्ड्स – 2025 का आयोजन माही शर्मा हनी भल्ला उपस्थित
कुकी इंटरनेशनल फिल्म्स एंड कैलटेक्स इंटरनेशनल फिल्म्स प्रा.लि. बैनर के तले भोजपुरी फ़िल्म निर्माता नवीन पाठक और गोविन्द गिरी ने होली बाद बैक टू बैक पाँच भोजपुरी फिल्मों की शूटिंग शुरू करेंगे। अलग-अलग फ़िल्म निर्देशक उक्त पाँचों फिल्मों का निर्देशन करेंगे। उन पाँचों फिल्मों के सह-निर्माता जीवा इंटरटेनमेंट (वैभव राय) हैं। फिल्म की शूटिंग का लोकेशन और कलाकारों के बारे में अति शीघ्र जानकारी दी जाएगी।
गौरतलब है कि फिल्म निर्माता नवीन पाठक और गोविन्द गिरी का उद्देश्य है पूरी भोजपुरी फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री को एक साथ लेकर चलना, सबके साथ कदम से कदम मिलाकर आगे बढ़ते रहना और भोजपुरी सिनेमा जगत में अपना अहम योगदान देना। इसी कड़ी में उन्होंने अपने प्रोडक्शन हाउस से लगातार तीन भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘हो हल्ला’, ‘भाड़े की दुल्हन’ और ‘बाबुल का घर प्यारा लगे’ की शूटिंग कंप्लीट करके मिसाल कायम कर दिया है और अब एक साथ पाँच फिल्मों का निर्माण करने की घोषणा करके तहलका मचा दिया है।
गौरतलब है कि भव्य पैमाने पर बनाई जाने वाली पाँचों फ़िल्म का विवरण इस प्रकार है:- भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘केहू केतनो दुलारी बाकी माई ना होई’ का निर्माण कुकी इंटरनेशनल फिल्म्स एंड कैलटेक्स इंटरनेशनल फिल्म्स प्रा.लि. बैनर के तले किया जाएगा, जिसके निर्माता नवीन पाठक व गोविन्द गिरी हैं। सह निर्माता जीवा इंटरटेनमेट (वैभव राय) हैं। निर्देशक नीलमणी सिंह हैं। लेखक मनोज के. कुशवाहा, संगीतकार साजन मिश्रा, डिजाईनर प्रशांत हैं।’
वहीं फिल्म ‘हम ही हैं ठाठ बनारासिया’ का निर्माण कैलटेक्स इंटरनेशनल फिल्म्स व कुकी इंटरनेशनल फिल्म्स प्रा.लि. बैनर के तले होगा, जिसके निर्माता गोविन्द गिरी व नवीन पाठक हैं। सह निर्माता जीवा इंटरटेनमेट (वैभव राय), निर्देशक देव पाण्डेय हैं। कथा, पटकथा व संवाद सभा वर्मा ने लिखा है। संगीतकार साजन मिश्रा, डिजाईनर प्रशांत हैं।
कैलटेक्स इंटरनेशनल फिल्म्स प्रा.लि. व कुकी इंटरनेशनल फिल्म्स बैनर के तले देसी लोटा प्रस्तुत भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘महिमा जितिया माई के’ के निर्माता गोविन्द गिरी व नवीन पाठक हैं। सह निर्माता जीवा इंटरटेनमेट (वैभव राय) हैं। निर्देशक सुनील माँझी हैं। लेखक इन्द्रजीत कुमार, संगीतकार साजन मिश्रा, छायांकन डीके शर्मा, डिजाईनर प्रशांत हैं।
कुकी इंटरनेशनल फिल्म्स एंड कैलटेक्स इंटरनेशनल फिल्म्स प्रा.लि. बैनर के तले बनने वाली भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘प्रोडक्शन नं० 7’ के निर्माता नवीन पाठक व गोविन्द गिरी हैं। निर्देशक संजय कुमार श्रीवास्तव हैं। सह निर्माता जीवा इंटरटेनमेट (वैभव राय) हैं। लेखक सभा वर्मा, संगीतकार साजन मिश्रा, डिजाईनर प्रशांत हैं।
कुकी इंटरनेशनल फिल्म्स एंड कैलटेक्स इंटरनेशनल फिल्म्स प्रा.लि. बैनर के तले ‘प्रोडक्शन नं० 8’ का निर्माण होगा, जिसके निर्माता नवीन पाठक व गोविन्द गिरी हैं। निर्देशक दीपक शंकर सिंह हैं। सह निर्माता जीवा इंटरटेनमेट (वैभव राय) हैं। लेखक सभा वर्मा, संगीतकार साजन मिश्रा, डिजाईनर प्रशांत हैं।
फिल्म निर्माता नवीन पाठक और गोविन्द गिरी होली बाद 5 फिल्मों की शूटिंग करेंगे शुरू
KIAN Foundation Dazzles Mumbai with Spectacular Inaugural Art Exhibit
Mumbai, January, 2025: The KIAN Foundation, a rising powerhouse in the world of art and culture, unveiled its highly anticipated debut exhibit Bhumi by Shampa Sircar Das in Mumbai to resounding acclaim. The opening event brought together an exceptional gathering of art aficionados, cultural luminaries, and dignitaries from across the city and beyond.
The evening was graced by distinguished guests, including Mrs. Pheroza J. Godrej, renowned theatre personality Dolly Thakore, celebrated artist and writer Prakash Bal Joshi, Dr. Sanjay Bhide, Shri Graham London, Mr. Arun Pawar, Mrs. Seema Pawar, Mr. Shyam Babu N., Mrs. Saral N and Anju Sehgal. Also present were the artist Shampa Sircar Das and the curator of the show, Aarti Naik, who brought this beautiful exhibit to life and provided detailed explanations of the artworks on display. Noted photographer and documentarian Sanjay Das also attended, further enriching the evening with his presence.
Aarti Naik, Founder & Curator of Art Exhibition Bhumi and Siddharth Naik, the visionary co-founder of KIAN Foundation, expressed their gratitude to the guests and shared their vision for the Foundation’s future. “Bringing KIAN to Mumbai is a significant milestone. This city’s vibrant art community and its unwavering support for creativity provide the perfect environment for us to grow and contribute to the cultural landscape,” said Aarti Naik.
The exhibit, running until January 31, 2025, offers a thoughtfully curated selection of artworks, transforming the gallery into a space of introspection and connection. Each piece reflects the depth of human emotion and creativity, resonating deeply with Mumbai’s art community.
Siddharth Naik expressed heartfelt appreciation for the enthusiastic response and shared insightful thoughts. “This is a monumental moment for the KIAN Foundation, and the overwhelming support from our guests underscores the ever-growing significance of art in our lives. Art is not the privilege of a select few; it transcends boundaries, shaping cultures and enriching societies. To truly appreciate and find meaning in art, one must engage with it more actively—by exploring exhibitions and immersing themselves in its transformative power.”
The launch of Bhumi is a testament to KIAN’s ambition to elevate the appreciation and accessibility of art in India. As the exhibit continues to captivate audiences, it promises to set the tone for the city’s cultural calendar in 2025.
To witness this inspiring collection, visit the KIAN Foundation exhibit before January 31, 2025. For further details, explore our website and stay updated as we continue our journey to celebrate art, creativity, and culture across India.
Be part of our story—where the passion for art meets boundless horizons.
For further details, please contact:
Kian Foundation
E-18, Varsha Park, Baner Road, Baner, Pune 411045
Email: info@kianfoundation.com
Mobile: +91-73787 75057
Event Details:
Exhibition Dates: January 25–31, 2025
Timings: 11:00 AM–7:00 PM (Open on Sundays)
Venue: Cymroza Art Gallery, 72, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai
Join us at bhūmi to experience a fusion of tradition and innovation that captures the essence of life and earth.
For more inquiries:
KIAN Foundation
Email: info@kianfoundation.com | Phone: +91-73787 75057
KIAN Foundation Makes A Mark In Mumbai’s Art Scene With Debut Exhibit BHUMI
Angel Celebrated her Birthday in Las Vegas ..
“ It was a great time for me and I enjoyed a lot .City of Glitters & Glamour..
Felt happy n nice ..
It’s gods blessings .. “
“Life is to Enjoy the journey ,be passionate about what u love to do but don’t forget ur family are your roots .Thank u my mom n dad for always being there for me so loving n caring ,
Thank u my sis for always loving me so much .
Family is a wonderful gift from life .”
We are Born to spread Peace Love n Happiness in this World,
Pls Join Hands With me For Mission World Peace ,
Angel Tetarbe
Miss International Peace Beauty Queen 2024”
International Peace Ambassador “
Miss Glamourface Workd India “
Angel Tetarbe Celebrated Her Birthday In Las Vegas
Bollywood Maha Arogya Camp was organized on 19 January 2025 at Chitrakoot Ground Andheri West. This program was kept free for the bollywood workers and media industry. In which many well-known personalities and social workers were present along . Its organizers are Dr. Dharmendra Kumar and Dr. Dheeraj Kumar of Doctor 365. Kanpur’s well-known organization ‘Lucky Singh Foundation’ participated in this program. Keeping in view the creative work being done by Lucky Singh Foundation in Kanpur and the country, it was also awarded the Dadasaheb Phalke Chitranagri Award .
Lucky Singh Foundation distributes free fertilizers to poor families, free treatment to helpless families, water coolers for drinking water, submersible pumps, expenses for marriage of children of poor families etc. This social work is being done by this foundation for many years. The foundation is feeling proud by participating in this program.
The organization wants that such events should be organized in Kanpur city and other districts of the country. So that the welfare of the poor can be done. After receiving this award, the chairman of the organization, Lucky Singh, said that his organization will do more work for the welfare of the poor.
Dr. Mahinder Sharma is a well-known singer and lawyer of Delhi who was recently honored with the Dadasaheb Phalke Chitra Nagari Film City Award during the Bollywood Maha Arogya Shivir Medical Camp and he entertained everyone with his voice.
Actress Poonam Dhillon was also present at this event. On this occasion, Raju Tak of Mumbai Entertainment expressed his gratitude to all the people who came.
The Super Achievers Excellence Awards are a testament to the power of human achievement and a celebration of excellence in all its forms.Innovative Artist welfare Association ( IAWA NGO) recognises individuals for their achievements fighting all odds in life to achieve success in their respective Professional fields. The primary objective of this Prestigious award is to acknowledge and celebrate the success stories of individuals and organizations who have demonstrated exceptional achievements and contributions in their respective fields.SAA has a profound impact on the awardees, as they receive digital recognition and acclaim,they Inspire others to strive for excellence to Contribute towards the growth and development of their industries and communities
The Super Achievers Excellence Awards awardees are choosen in various categories, including Entrepreneurs ,Education, Healthcare and Wellness,Arts , Culture, Social Service, teachers and Community Development
Recipients of the Super Achievers Excellence Awards 2024 are as follows.
Dr. Amb. Sanipina Jayalakshmi Rao
Ambassador Dr. Sanipina Jayalakshmi Rao is a Rank 1, Facebook Super Editor. She is a top contributor of NASA EDUCATOR , received official declaration certificate as PLANETARY DEFENDER in Double Astroid Redirection Test in 2021 and 2023 .Her mission is to work towards women Empowerment for social justice and Economic justice.She has achieved more than 200 National and International awards in different fields as Global achiever from India . Age is just a number she motivated herself towards all Opportunities in life She was the winner of IAWA Mrs India 2022,( Classic Category).She is the Crown holder of Popular Queen of Universe 2023 in Dubai .
She has been Honoured with U.N.Book of World Record as International Icon .
Dr. Jayalakshmi Rao is a distinguished figure Known as 100 Top Influential personalities, Ambassador of World Human Rights Protection Commission, National President of World Culture and Environment Protection Commission, National Secretary of All India Journalist Rights PARLIAMENT FORUM , International Vice President of International Economics Federation .She is the State Director of IAWA Ngo Andhra Pradesh. She is the proud Platinum Member of Empress Realm Club that works towards upliftment of women in different sectors.
Dr. Satinder Malhotra
Dr Satinder Malhotra from Dehradun is a powerhouse of talent and has multiple accolades and accomplishments.She is multitasking and interior Designer, a social activist and Educator .She also is a Winner of IAWA Mrs India and proud crown winner of Popular Queen of Universe, Dubai.
Satinder’s success story teaches us to dream bigger than ever .She says ” Age is just a number ,when we know we can achieve it and when we know we deserve it. Never stop dreaming no matter how old or young you are, One’s dream is bigger than any age”
She has received numerous awards in Interior Designing on National and International levels. In the Year 2021 She was conferred as The Best Interior Designer of the Year , Most Aspiring CEO of the year, Women Entrepreneur of the Year by Global Triumph Foundation.
Her company, Signature Interior Designs has been awarded as the Best Interior Design Firm ,Most Inspiring Women Awards, Global Women Icons Awards ,The Most Enterprising Women of the World by Blissful Queens, “The Most Enterprising Women of the World,” 2021 by SDP Women Achievers Award, and “The International Iconic Women of the World” by SDP International Iconic
Women Award. In the year 2022 ,she received the Bharat Excellence Award and the Leading Educationist of India ,Global Personalities of Asia SDP World Business Excellence Award 2023, Precious Gems of India 2023.
Her journey as an interior designer was published in Insight Success magazine.
Leena Honakeri
Leena Honakeri from Dharwad, Karanataka is a strong women ,a great fighter and a Motivational personality .She is a National Level Basketball player, Social worker, Managing Director in her family business. She is Proud to be crowned as ‘I Am Me Royal India Mrs Asia Classic-2018’ and ‘Popular Queen of Universe-2019.Her Social work includes funding the needy especially during the Pandemic for which she was awarded by Anti-Corruption Foundation as a’ Covid Warrior ‘.She has also funded many govt. schools for improving facilities like building toilets, classrooms, donating speakers, cupboards and many more.
She was one of the first models to walk the virtual ramp for the esteemed Fashion Lifestyle Magazine.She has also been a jury to many events conducted in different states.She has won many Awards on national and international Level Recently she was honoured as ‘Atmanirbhar Face of Bharat’.
Dr. Mamta Namdev Tambe
Dr Mamta Namdev Tambe is a visually handicap. At present she is working at State Bank of India, as Deputy Manager.She is the First Visually Impaired Student in the whole of India to Complete her T.Y.B.A in Education, (six papers) From Sathaye College(Mumbai University). Topped Mumbai University with the highest percentage and marks in the general category.This barrier did not stop her growth & development .She is a person with strong will power, determination & positive attitude.Right from childhoods she was interested in learning Diploma in basic computer using screen reader .
Dr.Mamta Namdev Tambe was crowned as superintendent of Ferguson college.She received many Awards (All Rounder) Excellence Award From (IAEWP) an Organization Affiliated to (UNO) Interviewed by Nav Bharat Times,Mumbai Mirror,Maharashtra Times, Blind Welfare Magazine and also West side Plus.She also was Featured by Electronic Media on 5 Channels on TV namely (D D News)(Live India) (C T. V.) (I T N) and (Me Marathi) Also Felicitated by Lions Club for Excellence in Academics in September 2009.Felicitated by Maharashtra NAV NIRMAN SENA (MANSE) on the occasion of World’s White Cane Day on 15 October 2009.Felicitated by State Bank of India on the occasion of World disability day, on 5th December 2011 .She received a medal by DMD and CDO from former Chairperson Mrs. Arundhati Bhattacharya, on 14th March 2012 on eve of International Women’s Day,was felicitated by the State bank of India Super Circle of Excellence (SCE 2) by Mr. Tom Jacub and State bank of India Andheri (W) branch by P.C, also was honoured with the most Prestigious SDP Iconic international Award, Women Achiever Award in 2022 .The American University ( AUGP) appreciated the social work of Mamta and Honoured her with the Honourary Doctorate in 2023 .She is par excellence and a true example “where there is a will there is a way,”.
Uma Modi
Uma Modi is a sheer Example that if you want to achieve your dreams it’s only the hard work and patience that moulds you towards success . She believes”The results of our hard work are achievements,fighting challenges and with commitment we achieve rewards ”
Uma Modi became the first lady president of “Navsari Junior Chambers In one of her biggest project “Eye Bank ” she had to collected eye balls from dead bodies within 6 hours ,preserved it ,then operated to 2 people free of cost .From one pair two people could see the beautiful world. After Facing big challenges, she collected the highest eye balls in Gujarat and was awarded by the municipal chairman on ” Women international Day .”
After shifting to Mumbai she resumed her first profession as a financial advisor with ” Max Life Insurance Co.” This was a noble work for the society. She has secured more than 200 families. Have completed 23 yrs with many rewards and recognitions .She motivates people if the bread winner is not insured well it will harm the economy of the country.
She is also the proud winner of Mrs India as 1st Runner up with a subtitle “Mrs Iconic Personality 2019 ” Crown Winner of Popular Queen of Universe “Dubai. She also was honoured with many national and international Awards like Jain Business Award “Midday Iconic Award “Woman International Award”, “Maharashtra Super Model “,” Blissful Queen SDP”Iconic Women International Award. “Women’s Entrepreneur Award ,”Woman Iconic Award” Life Advisor “8th Annual Power Sumit 2024 “Eternal Power of Woman Awards and “Aatma Nirbhar face of Bharat. 2023.
Dr. Tanuja Tannu
Dr.TanujaTannu from Jalandhar is an Iconic personality.Her Physical disability was never a hindrance in achieving her goals in life.She has been honoured as Honourary Doctorate for her social activities. A renowned Author, poet ,dancer never found any excuse in the challenges she faced in life.A motivational personality working with Punjab Kesari is a beautiful person at heart supporting other women around her to be strong and bold .A woman who is focused on achieving her dreams She is working in many social organisations .Winner of Numerous Awards from various Organisations on national and international Level.
Sylvia Adaphro
Adaphro Sylvia is an inspiring personality who turned her life challenges into stepping stones for remarkable achievements.
Sylvia’s journey from a struggling housewife to an internationally recognized figure is a testament to her strength and resilience. Through her achievements and social work, she continues to inspire and empower women across generations.
Life had challenged her multiple times,she lost her father at a very young age and got married at the age of 17,her Son was diagnosed with Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD), requiring extensive medical treatment across cities in India. However, with perseverance and faith, her son recovered.
In 2015, Sylvia endured a severe illness misdiagnosed as typhoid. This illness left her bedridden for two years, during which she often battled despair. After persistent medical consultations and care she recovered back . Sylvia decided to pursue a new avenue in life. She participated in the IAWA Mrs. India Manipur 2017 pageant, becoming the winner. This victory transformed her from a shy housewife to a confident, self-reliant individual. She went on to achieve greater heights, becoming the 1st Runner-Up of IAWA Mrs. India 2017, marking a turning point in her journey.Led campaigns on sanitary pad awareness, domestic violence, and women empowerment, mentoring young women.
In 2019, Sylvia represented India in Mrs. Asia Pacific Intercontinental, winning the Special Queen Award Ambassador title and the Mrs. Super Model 2019 subtitle in Singapore and Malaysia.Mahanagar Global Achievers’ Award 2019Choice of People Award 2020 (3rd place)
SDP Women Achievers Award 2020, International Iconic Women Award 2021
Walked the international ramp at the Prayag Thai-Indian Fun Fair 2019 in Thailand.Showstopper at Manipur International Textile Expo 2019 (MANITEX) and Winter Falls Collections 2019-20 by Bobocha Laishram.
State Icon for Election Commission of India, Manipur (2019-2022).
Brand Ambassador for L.S. Football Tournament (2020/2021).
Currently serves as Director of BK Events and Entertainment.
Dr Navneet Kaur From Jammu A Social Activist
Dr. Navneet Kaur is the National Chairperson of the National Human Rights Social Justice Council of India, Advisory Board Member of WGF, and a Women Empowerment Activist. She is also the Chairperson of Gender Equality, Women and Child Protection, UNESCO. Dr. Navneet has many years of experience in community development and women empowerment. Being a dedicated social worker, she is also interested in environmental conservation programs and activities. As the Global Green Ambassador of We Grow Forest Foundation, she inspires individuals to build an eco-friendly planet through collective efforts.
Anjali Dabral
A strong multifaceted personality from Patna worked as Chief after marriage changed her profession to Social influencer and vlogger to give a better life to get son so she can devote more time to her family .
These Strong women has been Honoured as Super Achievers Excellence Award by Ambassador Dr.Daljeet Kaur through her Ngo IAWA in association with Amarcine Production.These Strong women are associated with IAWA since 7 years and have participated in all the awareness activities of IAWA Pan India.
H.E . Amb. Dr. Daljeet Kaur
Actress, Cosmetologist, Nutritionist President Of NGO IAWA
Super Achievers Excellence Award 2024 Organised By (IAWA) Innovative Artist Welfare Association India
ह्याट्ट इंडिया को नोवेक्स कम्युनिकेशन्स के स्वामित्व वाले संगीत को बिना लाइसेंस के न चलाने के लिए कहा गया था, लेकिन उन्होंने नहीं सुना। वास्तव में, उन्होंने अदालत के आदेश की अवहेलना की और अब उन्हें अपने स्पष्टीकरण के साथ 28 अप्रैल, 2025 तक प्रतिक्रिया देने का समय दिया गया है।
इस मामले से यह सीखने को मिलता है कि कॉपीराइट सामग्री का उपयोग करते समय आवश्यक लाइसेंस और अनुमतियां प्राप्त करना कितना महत्वपूर्ण है। यह मामला दिखाता है कि अदालत कॉपीराइट कानूनों को लागू करने और रचनाकारों के अधिकारों की रक्षा करने के लिए गंभीर है ।
होटलों में संगीत के आयोजनों के लिए लाइसेंस लेना आवश्यक है!
Pics Courtsey Respected Websites :
Crimes are increasing with time, it is very important to be cautious and vigilant to avoid these crimes. Similarly, the YouTube channel ‘Crime Se Savdhan’ and ‘Savdhan Crime Bolta Hai’ alerts the public through their stories. The stories shown in it are fictional, but based on the events happening in the present time. ‘Crime Se Savdhan’ and ‘Crime Bolta Hai’ YouTube channel alerts towards crime and the mentality of criminals. The presenter of this channel is Lalit Agarwal, producers are Rupali Rawat, Neha Rawat and Anjali Rawat, co-producer is Yogendra Srivastava. This YouTube channel is made under the banner of Sagar Arts and Movie House. The main host and narrator of the show shown on this channel is actress Gehna Vashisht who introduces the mystery, reason, crime and the mentality of criminals of the crime story.
The duration of the web series shown in this YouTube channel is thirty minutes. The director of all these series is Yatindra Rawat. Yatindra Rawat and Sanjay Kabir have made the stories of the web series interesting by using their skilled writing style. Till now, many shows have been aired on this channel and the channel is continuously producing new series keeping the audience in mind. Every story hides a new message, which will be known only after watching the entire story. Many famous influencers Rishabh Roy, Karan, Irfan, Aman Sheikh etc. will make their debut in the stories coming on this channel and will add a tadka of entertainment to this crime story.
Its actors are Rohit Gulshan, Tarakesh Chauhan, Ranjit Singh, Sanjit Nirmal, Shaina Khatri, Riddhima Tiwari etc. All these actors have filled the color of reality in these crime stories with their acting. The theme of these crime stories itself says that if you think about crime, then you are a criminal. By the way, it has been said since ancient times that the one who thinks about committing a crime or plots a crime is a bigger criminal than the one who commits the crime. Crime stories are shown on these YouTube channels which provide an opportunity to understand how caution can be taken by knowing the crime and the thinking of the criminal.
Youtube Channel – Crime Se Savdhan And Savdhan Crime Bolta Hai Will Relay 30 Minutes Web Series To Be Cautious And Vigilant To Avoid Crimes
Prakruti Annual Conference 2025 was organized on 10th Jan’2025. This year it was second annual conference organized by Prakruti Education and Research Foundation’s Prakruti Research Institute organized in association with RCUES of All India Institute of Local Self Government, Mumbai which works under Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India and CII – IGBC. Reciclar Technologies Pvt Ltd, Empower Education, Memtrix Technologies Pvt Ltd were the associate partners for the Event and Rotary Club of Mumbai Inspire and Women Entrepreneurs’ Enclave (WEE) were supporting partners.
Chief Guest for the Event was Dr. Jairaj Phatak, IAS (Retd), past Municipal Commissioner, BMC and Director General, AIILSG, Mumbai
The Eminent Speakers for the Event were Dr. Sunita Purushottam, Head, CSR & Sustainability, Mahindra Lifespaces Ltd who spoke on “Sustainable Urbanization”, Dr. Mala Singh, Chairperson, CII IGBC Mumbai Center who spoke on “Green Building Movement of India”, Dr. Milind Kulkarni, Director, Prakruti Research Institute & Prachi Services Inc who spoke on “Computation of Carbon Footprint and Strategies to become Carbon Neutral”, Dr. Ajit Salvi, Director, RCUES, who spoke on “Green Energy” and Rtn Alpa Shah, President, Rotary Club of Mumbai Inspire who spoke on “Sustainability through financial empowerment of women and weaker sections of society”.
Panel Discussion on Topic “Environmental Issues of Mumbai and Solutions” was moderated by Dr Ajit Salvi for which the Panellists were Dr. Prashant Bhave, Professor (Adjunct) Environmental Engg. VJTI, Mr. Yogen Parikh, past president, Indian Environmental Association, Dr. Milind Kulkarni and Smt Revati Shidhaye, Executive Engineer, BMC
Second Panel Discussion on “Pros and Cons of Green Buildings” was coordinated by Dr Milind Kulkarni and the Eminent Panellists for the same were Dr. C. J. Rao, Ret Executive Engineer, MHADA, Mr. Harvinder Matharoo, Interior Designer and Mr. Pramod Daspute, Energy Auditor
Other Eminent Speakers for the Event were Mr. Sunil Doshi, Consulting Engineer – CII on Topic “GreenCo for Industries”, Mr. Pramod Daspute, Energy Auditor on Topic “Energy Audit of Commercial Buildings”, Mr. Nikhil Mene, AE, BMC on Topic “Climate Budget of BMC”, Rtn Chaitali Chatterji on Topic “Women Empowerment and Sustainability”, Commercial presentations were conducted by Mr. Mayank Soni- Reciclar Technologies and Mr. Ravi Trivedi – Memtrix Technologies.
At end, certificates were distributed to delegates by Mr. Avinash Kate, Chief Engineer BMC, Rtn Shanta Valluri Gandhi – President Elect Rotary Club of Mumbai Inspire
Objective of the Conference :The Entire Event was curated and designed by Dr. Milind Kulkarni who ideated the Theme of the Conference was Green Building, Green Company and Sustainable City. The existence of our planet is in danger due to adverse effects of industrialization and urbanization on environment. The objectives of the conference were to disseminate knowledge in the areas of Green Building, Green Company and Sustainable City to young and mid-level engineers, managers from Government, Municipal Functionaries and industries and also to entrepreneurs. It is heartening to note the conference could get renowned experts from Industry, Government and academecia. The response to conference was very good. It is planned to submit the recommendations regarding various topics to bodied such as BMC, MPCB etc.
The Event was anchored by Rtn Chaitali Chatterjee
Article Written by: Dr. Milind Kulkarni
Edited by: Rtn Chaitali Chatterjee
PRAKRUTI Annual Conference 2025 On Green Building, Green Company And Sustainable City
His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan , the Eminent Scientist , Chairaman and Chief Rector of The American University USA and United Nations University of Global Peace USA , was Invited as Special Guest by Hon’ble Mr. Donal J Trump’s Office at his Inaugural and Ball Ceremony. Dr. Mark Burns is the Spiritual Advisor to President Mr. Donald Trump is also the Chairman of MPAC Ps.
At the Great Event MPAC Ps. Dr. Mark Burns was awarded with a very prestigious Award “MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr 2 NOBEL PEACE AWARD 2024.
Full Phd Doctor Of Divinity and Peace Ambassador certificate was also honoured during the Ball Ceremony .A gala Dinner was also organised on 20th January 2025 , at
Arbor Ballroom, 3600 New York Ave, NE, Washington DC 20002.Washington Time Building
His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan also submitted the hard copy of his Proposal for funding to a magnitude of 100 Billion US Dollars To The Chairman MPAC PS.Dr. Mark Burns ,the Spiritual Advisor to Hon’ble President Mr. Donald Trump for relief and rehabilitation for Los Angeles by the Giant wild fire Disaster. Proff Dr Madhukrishan wants to help the victim families of the Great Disaster.The proposal also had the inputs to rebuild Los Angeles with his team of HRH PRINCE PETER and His Grace Duke Williams Of Kingdom of Bantan , Nusantara to join hands with the Hon’ble Donald J Trump for making USA economy sustainable developed and strong Nation in the World.
On 18th Jan , there was a Pre inaugural dinner meet with the newly elected Cabinet . His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan was given the great privilege to address and greet from the podium of the The President of the United States.
Dr. Daljeet Kaur , The Ambassador Of AUGP USA from India along with VC Prof. Dr. Lakshman Madhurasinghe and all the board of Governing Council of AUGP USA of 120 countries have expressed their Heartiest Congratulation to the Honourable President of USA Mr. Donald J Trump for becoming the President of the great Country USA. The whole team of AUGP also congratulated Ps. Dr. Mark Burns for becoming the first recipient of MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr. NOBEL PEACE Award 2025.
World News | Washington DC |
His Eminence Prof. Dr. Madhu Krishan Chief Rector Of AUGP Was Invited At The Inaugural And Ball Ceremony From The Office Of Hon’ble President Mr. Donal J Trump’s, USA.