
राजकुमार राव और तृप्ति स्टारर फ़िल्म “विक्की विद्या का वो वाला वीडियो” पर हुआ विवाद, लेखक अमित गुप्ता ने लगाया निर्माताओं पर कहानी चुराने का आरोप

राजकुमार राव और तृप्ति स्टारर फ़िल्म “विक्की विद्या का वो वाला वीडियो” पर हुआ विवाद, लेखक अमित गुप्ता ने लगाया निर्माताओं पर कहानी चुराने का आरोप

मुम्बई। राजकुमार राव एवं तृप्ति डिमरी अभिनीत फिल्म ‘विक्की विद्या का वो वाला वीडियो’ सिनेमाघरों में रिलीज से पहले ही विवाद में घिर गई है। इस फिल्म की कहानी को लेकर अमित गुप्ता ने अपने वकील के माध्यम से निर्माताओं को कानूनी नोटिस भी भेजा है।

बॉलीवुड के जाने माने लेखक अमित गुप्ता ने इस फिल्म के निर्माताओं को लीगल नोटिस भेजा है। मुम्बई में हुई एक प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस में अमित गुप्ता ने कहा कि जब उन्होंने फिल्म विक्की विद्या का वो वाला वीडियो’ का ट्रेलर देखा तो वह हैरान रह गए क्योंकि इसका केंद्रीय कॉन्सेप्ट उनका लिखा हुआ है। उन्होंने काफी पहले एक लेखक के तौर पर स्क्रीन राइटर्स एसोसिएशन (एसडब्ल्यूए) में यह कहानी रजिस्टर करवाई थी। इसलिए हमने अदालत का दरवाजा खटखटाया है और ‘विक्की विद्या का वो वाला वीडियो’ के सभी निर्माताओं को लीगल नोटिस भेजा है।”

बता दें कि ‘विक्की विद्या का वो वाला वीडियो’ की कहानी एक ऐसे नए शादीशुदा जोड़े के इर्द-गिर्द घूमती है जो अपनी सुहागरात पर अपना निजी डीवीडी रिकॉर्ड करते हैं। कहानी में मोड़ तब आता है जब वो डीवीडी खो जाती है, इससे उनके जीवन में हंगामा मच जाता है और फिर कॉमेडी क्रिएट होती है।

अमित गुप्ता ने कहा है कि यह बुनियादी कहानी का ढांचा उन्होंने लिखा था, जिसे स्क्रीन राइटर एसोसिएशन के पास रजिस्टर भी करवाया है। अब उसी आईडिया पर ‘विक्की विद्या का वो वाला वीडियो’ फिल्म बनाई गई है। यह कॉपीराइट के उल्लंघन का मामला है और मैंने निर्माताओं के खिलाफ नोटिस भेजा है। अमित गुप्ता के नोटिस का उनकी ओर से जो जवाब आया है उसमें उन्होंने जो रजिस्ट्रेशन की तारीख लिखी है वो अमित गुप्ता के रजिस्ट्रेशन डेट के बाद की तिथि है। इससे सिद्ध होता है कि अमित गुप्ता का दावा सही है।

बता दें कि ‘विक्की विद्या का वो वाला वीडियो’ का निर्देशन राज शांडिल्य ने किया है और लेखक में भी उनका ही नाम दर्ज है।

‘विक्की विद्या का वो वाला वीडियो’ 11 अक्टूबर 2024 को रिलीज होने जा रही है।

90 के दशक पर आधारित फ़िल्म ‘विकी विद्या का वो वाला वीडियो’ के निर्माता भूषण कुमार, कृष्ण कुमार, एकता कपूर, शोभा कपूर, विमल लाहोटी, अश्विन वर्दे, राजेश बहल, राज शांडिल्य और विपुल डी शाह हैं।

अमित गुप्ता को अदालत पर भरोसा है कि उन्हें न्याय मिलेगा और उनका नाम इस फ़िल्म की कहानी लेखक के रूप में दिया जाएगा।

राजकुमार राव और तृप्ति स्टारर फ़िल्म “विक्की विद्या का वो वाला वीडियो” पर हुआ विवाद, लेखक अमित गुप्ता ने लगाया निर्माताओं पर कहानी चुराने का आरोप


Disclaimer: The facts and opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of Our Website Or our Editors  does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same. It Is By News Source From PR Agency

खेसारी लाल यादव, लोकेश मिश्रा, सुजीत कुमार सिंह की ‘अंदाज़’ का ट्रेलर हुआ आउट, दशहरा पर सिनेमाघरों में होगी फ़िल्म रिलीज

खेसारी लाल यादव, लोकेश मिश्रा, सुजीत कुमार सिंह की ‘अंदाज़’ का ट्रेलर हुआ आउट, दशहरा पर सिनेमाघरों में होगी फ़िल्म रिलीज

ग्लोबल स्टार खेसारी लाल यादव, प्रोड्यूसर लोकेश मिश्रा, डायरेक्टर सुजीत कुमार सिंह की तिकड़ी में बनी भोजपुरी फ़िल्म ‘अंदाज़’ का ट्रेलर रिलीज किया गया है। यह फ़िल्म दशहरा पर पूरे भारत में रिलीज की जाएगी। इस फ़िल्म का ट्रेलर वेव म्यूजिक कंपनी के यूट्यूब चैनल पर जारी किया गया था। फ़िल्म के ट्रेलर में मुख्य भूमिका में खेसारीलाल यादव चैलेंजिंग किरदार में हैं, उनके साथ बिग बॉस फेम अर्शी खान और कन्नड़ फिल्मों की अभिनेत्री सोनिका गौड़ा की अनोखी केमेस्ट्री नजर आ रही है। पाँच मिनट का यह ट्रेलर देखकर पूरी फिल्म देखने का उत्साह बढ़ा रहा है। इस ट्रेलर में खेसारी लाल यादव पहले फ्रेम में अधेड़ उम्र के लुक में सफेद शर्ट पैंट पहने जबरदस्त फाइट करते हुए दिख रहे हैं। उसके बाद एक के बाद फ्रेम में वे अपने फैंस व ऑडियंस का दिल जीतते हुए दोनों एक्ट्रेस के साथ अलग अलग अंदाज में नजर आते हैं। कुछ मिनट में कानूनी जंग में उलझे हुए भी वे नजर आ रहे हैं। सबसे दिलचस्प बात यह दिख रहा है कि जहाँ एक हीरोइन उन्हें कानून के जाल में फंसा रही है तो दूसरी हीरोइन कानून के शिकंजे से निकालने की कोशिश कर रही है। कुल मिलाकर फ़िल्म अंदाज का यह ट्रेलर काफी मजेदार है। जो दर्शकों का फुल इंटरटेनमेंट करने वाली है।

गौरतलब है कि फ़िल्म ‘अंदाज’ के निर्माता लोकेश मिश्रा ग्राम पतियाँ, पोस्ट नहुना, जिला रोहतास सासाराम, बिहार के मूल निवासी हैं। उन्होंने मुंबई में रहकर पवन सिंह के साथ ‘क्रेक फाईटर’, दिनेशलाल यादव निरहुआ के साथ ‘राजा डोली लेके आजा’ बना चुके हैं। बतौर निर्माता उनकी आने वाली फिल्म ‘अंदाज’ के अलावा अरविंद अकेला कल्लू के साथ ‘जलवा’ आने वाली है। इसके अलावा और भी कई फिल्में उनकी आने वाली हैं। वहीं फ़िल्म निर्देशक सुजीत कुमार सिंह की बात करें तो उन्होंने पवन सिंह की सुपरहिट फिल्में सत्या, वांटेड, धड़कन, क्रेक फाईटर सहित कई सुपर हिट फिल्मों का निर्देशन किया है। आने वाली फ़िल्म अंदाज और जलवा का भी कुशल निर्देशन उन्होंने किया है।

गौरतलब है कि कमला फिल्म्स क्रिएशन बैनर के तले निर्मित की गई है फ़िल्म अंदाज के निर्माता लोकेश मिश्रा हैं। निर्देशक सुजीत कुमार सिंह हैं। लेखक वीरू ठाकुर हैं। संगीतकार छोटे बाबा, आर्या शर्मा हैं। गीतकार कृष्णा बेदर्दी, छोटू यादव, विजय चौहान व कैलाश राज हैं। कार्यकारी निर्माता राम कोमल सिंह यादव, डीओपी  आर.आर. प्रिंस, एडिटर दीपक जऊल हैं। मारधाड़ दिलीप यादव, नृत्य संजय कोर्बे, कला सतीश गिरी का है। पोस्ट प्रोडक्शन हाफ माईन्ड स्टूडियो, पिक्सल साउंड में किया गया है। साउंड इंजीनियर विट्टू सिंह, डीआई इन्द्रदेव यादव, बैक ग्राउंड चन्द्र शेखर सिंह ने किया है। कॉस्ट्यूम विद्या विष्णु का है। प्रोडक्शन कंट्रोलर प्रशांत द्विवेदी व विनोद यादव, मार्केटिंग विजय यादव, सह निर्देशक रवि तिवारी, कुन्दन सिंह हैं।

फिल्म अंदाज को लेकर खेसारीलाल यादव ने कहा कि  फिल्म मेरे दिल के बेहद करीब है। इसमें मेरा किरदार इमोशनल, एक्शन और रोमांस दोनों का बेहतरीन मिश्रण है, जो दर्शकों को जरूर पसंद आएगा।

फ़िल्म निर्माता लोकेश मिश्रा ने बताया कि ‘साल 2024 की सबसे बड़ी फिल्म ‘अंदाज’ दुर्गा पूजा यानि दशहरा के शुभ अवसर पर पूरे भारत के सिनेमाघरों में दस्तक़ देगी। इस फ़िल्म का सब्जेक्ट बहुत यूनिक हैं और यह फ़िल्म मेरे लिए ड्रीम प्रोजेक्ट है। दर्शकों को इस फ़िल्म में काफी कुछ नया देखने को मिलेगा। उम्मीद है कि यह फ़िल्म दर्शकों को बेहद पसंद आयेगी। आप सब से भोजपुरी सिनेमा को सपोर्ट करने की अपील करता हूँ कि आप लोगों दशहरे के शुभावसर पर अंदाज को देखने जरूर आए।

निर्देशक सुजीत कुमार सिंह ने कहा कि इस फिल्म में खेसारी लाल यादव का एक अनोखा अवतार देखने को मिलेगा। जिसमें वे सरकार की बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ का नारा बुलंद करते हुए नजर आएंगे।

खेसारी लाल यादव, लोकेश मिश्रा, सुजीत कुमार सिंह की ‘अंदाज़’ का ट्रेलर हुआ आउट, दशहरा पर सिनेमाघरों में होगी फ़िल्म रिलीज

Angel Tetarbe With Mom In Cruise Party In Los Angeles

Angel Tetarbe With Mom In Cruise Party In Los Angeles

Angel enjoyed Bollywood Cruise Nite in Los Angeles with her mom ,

“It was great time on the boat with mom n few friends .

“It was a 4 hour Cruise in the sea n Bollywood music with dance floor n DJ Browny playing nice followed by good dinner n drinks .

It was a great fun time on the weekend “Angel

World Needs World Peace

Let’s Spread Love , Peace & Happiness in this World”

Stay United ,

We stand together For World Peace

Angel Tetarbe

International Peace Ambassador

Miss Glamourface World India


Angel Tetarbe With Mom In Cruise Party In Los Angeles

TRIPARNA Solo Show Of Paintings By Contemporary Artist Sarang Hundiwala In Nehru Centre Art Gallery

TRIPARNA Solo Show Of Paintings By Contemporary Artist Sarang Hundiwala In Nehru Centre Art Gallery

From: 24th to 30th September 2024


Solo Show of Paintings

By contemporary artist Sarang Hundiwala


Nehru Centre Art Gallery

Dr. Annie Besant Road

Worli, Mumbai 400 018

Timing: 11am to 7pm.

Contact: +91 9422206209


Aurangabad-based artist Sarang Hundiwala presents a captivating blend of history, spirituality, and artistry in his intricately decorative works. Drawing from a rich array of influences ranging from Indian Miniature art traditions, doodling Zen tangles to Buddhist art influences, mythological frescoes, and traditional Indian sculpture—Sarang’s creations reflect the essence of a realm steeped in cultural heritage and artistic inspiration.

This show was inaugurated on 24th September 2024 by Dr. Uttam Jain Businessman & Member of Film Centre Board in the presence of Sunil Deore renowned sculptor, Mr. Mahendra Kalantri Director Acclaim Systems India Pvt Ltd, Nitin Jadia Art Collector, Mr. Prashant Kashikar MD Mika Engineering Pvt. Ltd., Dr. Jayesh Dakre, Neuroscientist and Smart Future Counsellor, Manmohan Jaiswal Art Curator, Daya Yadav Actor,  Nagma Nizam Singer,  Vaishali Raut Proprietor & entrepreneur, Chhaya Sakhre Classical Singer among others.

His upcoming solo exhibition, ‘Triparna: The Trinity of Art,’ at the Nehru Centre, Mumbai, exemplifies this unique synergy, offering a visual journey that seamlessly fuses these diverse traditions and popular cultural practices. Each painting invites the viewer into a world of personal religious and spiritual exploration, where Sarang deftly balances the intricate with the ethereal. Central to this collection are his works, which are based on Buddhist sculptures from around the world, starting from the historic Ajanta and Ellora cave art, as well as works from other regions where Buddhism has profoundly shaped culture, religion and philosophy.

Sarang’s works are a meditation on peace, unity, and harmony, embodying the interconnectedness of all life forms—a reflection of the Buddhist principles that anchor his practice. The precision of his penmanship and the subtlety of his brushstrokes create a mesmerising interplay of depth and lightness, leaving viewers enchanted by the richness of his textured surfaces and the inherent depth in their corresponding messages.

With numerous exhibitions to his name, artist Sarang Hundiwala’s art has earned a place in esteemed collections both in India and internationally. His solo show is not just an exhibition; it’s an invitation to experience the timeless spiritual and artistic traditions that continue to inform his evolving visual lexicon and inspire the world around him.

TRIPARNA Solo Show Of Paintings By Contemporary Artist Sarang Hundiwala In Nehru Centre Art Gallery



27th September 2024, India

  • Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Chennai debuts Cullinan Series II in India: a bold evolution of the world’s pre-eminent super-luxury SUV.
  • Cullinan Series II directly responds to changing codes of luxury and client use cases.
  • Cullinan is driving significant interest globally as well as locally; it remains the most requested Rolls-Royce within the marque’s product portfolio.
  • Black Badge Cullinan Series II also becomes available in India, tailored to those seeking a more visceral interpretation of Rolls-Royce.


From 27th September 2024, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Cullinan Series II debuts in India.

“The debut of Cullinan Series II in India represents a significant milestone for Rolls-Royce in the Asia Pacific region. Since its original launch in 2018, this remarkable motor car has attracted a younger and more diverse group of clients, and today Cullinan is the most requested Rolls-Royce in the marque’s portfolio. Cullinan Series II integrates new technologies, new materials, meticulously considered design updates and innovative opportunities for self-expression through Bespoke.” Irene Nikkein, Regional Director Asia-Pacific, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

The original Cullinan, launched in 2018, was the world’s first super-luxury SUV, fulfilling a unique and exacting brief. From a performance and engineering standpoint, it had to have genuine off-road capabilities equal to the most demanding and hostile environments on Earth. At the same time, it had to deliver the marque’s peerless comfort and signature ‘magic carpet ride’, regardless of the terrain. It had to be nothing less than the definitive super-luxury SUV —rugged yet refined, unstoppable yet serene: effortless, everywhere. Its success exceeded Rolls-Royce’s most ambitious expectations around the world, and today Cullinan is the most requested Rolls-Royce in the marque’s portfolio.

Given the motor car’s extraordinary success, and incredibly positive reception from clients in every region of the world, shaping a new expression of the ‘Rolls-Royce of SUVs’ was undertaken with meticulous care. The marque’s designers, engineers and craftspeople drew on half a decade of detailed client feedback, the brand’s own intelligence gathering — including our Private Offices around the world — and a raft of new technologies to advance Cullinan. In its new guise, which represents the most extensive Series II development in Rolls-Royce history, it responds to changing codes of luxury and evolving usage patterns while remaining true to the essential qualities that underpin Cullinan’s unprecedented popularity.

Clients can commission Cullinan Series II and Black Badge Cullinan Series II at Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Chennai and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars New Delhi. Pricing for Cullinan Series II in India starts from Rs. 10,50,00,000. Pricing for Black Badge Cullinan Series II starts from Rs. 12,25,00,000. First local client deliveries will commence from Q4 2024.

Rolls-Royce pricing is dependent on client specification. Each Rolls-Royce is Bespoke.


Since the first client deliveries, Cullinan fulfilled its purpose as a supremely accomplished off-road motor car, capable of taking its owner into locations never previously explored in a Rolls-Royce. However, versatility and the effortless everywhere essence of the model also made Cullinan a ‘daily driver’ for many owners; indeed, numerous clients have told Rolls-Royce that no other SUV offers the same effortless performance as Cullinan’s 6.75-litre V12 engine, from what is often a substantial and diverse collection. These were all significant considerations in conceiving Cullinan Series II.

It was noted by the marque’s intelligence specialists that an increasing number of Rolls-Royce clients were concentrated in urban areas – from great world metropolises to fast-growth cities in emerging regions. To that end, Cullinan increasingly serves as a super-luxury product in which clients wish to be seen and project their character – albeit with the capacity to vanish into nature at will. Specialists also observed a shift towards owners driving their motor cars themselves. When Cullinan was first launched, less than 70% were self-driven: today, almost every Cullinan is driven by its owner, with less than 10% of clients retaining the services of a chauffeur. Together with the rejuvenation of the brand and the ever-increasing Bespoke offering, Cullinan contributed to a fall in the average age of Rolls-Royce clients from 56 in 2010 to just 43 today.

An increasingly urban focus, a youthful cadre of clients and a decisive shift towards self-driving informs the surface treatment and detail of Cullinan Series II’s exterior. A key theme is verticality, which echoes illuminated skyscrapers in the megacities where Cullinan is increasingly at home. This is most apparent in the new lamp treatment, where tall daytime running light graphics ensure Cullinan Series II is easily identified, day and night.

Reflecting many clients’ desires for bolder forms of self-expression, innovative decoration and detail have been added throughout the interior of Cullinan Series II. The most substantive change to the motor car’s geometry is the pillar-to-pillar glass-panel fascia in the upper portion of the dashboard – an elegant and versatile design element that stages both digital and physical craftsmanship.

Connectivity has been refined throughout the motor car, especially for those in the rear of Cullinan Series II. Clients are able to connect up to two streaming devices to the rear screens, which now incorporate a Bespoke interface for streaming car management and seating functions such as massage, heating and cooling.

The installation of internet connectivity allows clients to enjoy a Wi-Fi hot spot connection and independent streaming for each screen. For the first time in Cullinan, Bluetooth headphones of any type can be paired with the rear seat infotainment system, or clients can enjoy the marque’s exceptional 18-speaker Bespoke Audio system, which benefits from the latest generation 18-channel 1400-watt amplifier. Cullinan Series II retains the brand’s celebrated speaker architecture wherein cavities within the motor car’s aluminium sill sections are used as resonance chambers for low frequency speakers, effectively transforming the entire motor car into a subwoofer.

Directly in front of the passenger is an Illuminated Fascia panel — a remarkable expression of modern craft that debuted with Ghost before appearing in Spectre and now, for the first time, is available within the Cullinan family. In this guise, it features an illuminated Cullinan wordmark and a unique Cityscape graphic inspired by the skyscrapers of the world’s megacities at night. This is created using a specially-developed technique whereby 7,000 dots are laser-etched onto the rear of the darkened and toughened security glass, each at minutely differing angles and dimensions to create the perception of depth. In addition to this prêt-à-porter design, clients are also able to create their own Illuminated Fascia motif in collaboration with the marque’s Bespoke designers.

Incorporating the Spirit of Ecstasy into the interior of the motor car was the product of four years of development, and a unique partnership between analogue and digital craftspeople to create a dramatic and meticulously orchestrated flow of light. This sequence begins with the illumination of the driver’s display upon entering the motor car, followed by the Central Information Display, then the Illuminated Fascia, where light sweeps inwards towards the vitrine, lighting the timepiece. The Spirit of Ecstasy is illuminated from below initially, reminiscent of a spotlight on a debut performance, before her stage lighting settles to a soft glow.


Cullinan built a new legacy for Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, shaped in collaboration with a bold and uncompromising generation of super-luxury consumers. Cullinan Series II evolves and builds on this motor car’s place in the brand, proving once more that the future of this marque will be shaped in partnership with its clients and characterised by exquisite contemporary crafts.


You can find all our press releases and press kits, as well as a wide selection of high resolution, downloadable photographs and video footage at our media website, PressClub.

You can also follow the marque on social media: LinkedIn; YouTube; X (Twitter); Instagram; and Facebook.


Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is a true luxury house, creating the world’s most recognised, revered and desirable handcrafted Bespoke products for its international clientele.

There are over 2,500 people working at the Home of Rolls-Royce at Goodwood, West Sussex. This comprises both its global headquarters and Centre of Luxury Manufacturing Excellence – the only place in the world where Rolls-Royce motor cars are designed, engineered and meticulously built by hand. An independent study by the London School of Economics & Political Science confirmed that since the company began production at Goodwood in 2003, it has contributed more than £4 billion to the UK economy and adds more than £500 million in economic value every year.

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is a wholly owned subsidiary of the BMW Group and is a completely separate, unrelated company from Rolls-Royce plc, the manufacturer of aircraft engines and propulsion systems.




METAL CANVAS STONE An Art Exhibition By 4 Renowned Artists In Jehangir Art Gallery

METAL CANVAS STONE An Art Exhibition By 4 Renowned Artists In Jehangir Art Gallery

From: 24th to 30th September 2024

“Metal Canvas Stone”

An Art Exhibition by Asurvedh, Dr. Manisha Sachihar, Hemant Joshi, Vijaya Ved 


Jehangir Art Gallery

Auditorium Hall,

161-B, M.G. Road, Kala Ghoda

Mumbai 400 001

Timing: 11am to 7pm

+91 9811178769,  +91 8407945292

The Metal Canvas Stone: Triveni of Art

Art exhibition is a confluence of distinct artistic expressions and mediums, offering a unique experience for art enthusiasts in Mumbai. Showcased at the Jahangir Art Gallery, this exhibition features the works of four renowned artists: Asurvedh, Vijaya Ved, Manisha Sanchihar, and Hemant Joshi. Their collective efforts revolve around invoking empathy and exploring both the physical and mental conditions of human existence through art. While Manisha’s abstract work leans heavily on symbolism, the other three artists present figurative forms, creating a direct and immediate connection with viewers.

This show was inaugurated on 24th September 2024  by Chief Guest Sanjay Puri, Sanjay Puri Architects Principal Architect Mumbai in the presence of  Rupesh & Archana Baid Principal Interior Architect & Design Co. Mumbai, Rajendra Patil President, The Bombay Art Society, Prof. Dr. Milind Dhobley Dean Faculty of Fine Arts MOT ADT Uni. Pune, Maharashtra

Asurvedh’s art captures the overlooked moments of everyday life, particularly focusing on the marginalized individuals who are often unseen in the bustle of urban life, such as children selling balloons at traffic signals. Through his sculptures, Asurvedh freezes these fleeting moments of human dynamism, urging viewers to take notice of the lives that often go unnoticed. His art transforms the mundane into something profound, turning these everyday scenes into still, yet expressive, sculptural forms that encourage reflection on the world we ignore.

Vijaya Ved’s artwork embarks on a journey of self-illumination, where she delves into both the tangible and intangible aspects of human existence. Her art resonates with themes of self-awareness, spirituality, and the human connection to the infinite. By portraying the emotional and spiritual relationships in life, she transcends the physical limitations of the body, aiming to illuminate the boundless nature of the soul. Her evolution as an artist reflects a shift from depicting life’s emotional ties to a deeper immersion into self-exploration through nature, revealing a universal quest for inner enlightenment.

Manisha Sanchihar presents an abstract exploration of the inner self, challenging traditional boundaries and highlighting the intricate relationship between attachment and detachment. Through her abstract expressionism, she portrays the boundlessness of the mind and emotions. Manisha’s work suggests a deeper connection with self-expression, illustrating how abstraction can still carry powerful, introspective emotions. Her art invites viewers into a space where distinctions between being and non-being dissolve, offering a moment of introspection and encouraging self-discovery.

Hemant Joshi’s sculptures emphasize the inner essence of forms rather than their outer appearances. Working predominantly in abstract stone sculptures, he seeks to uncover the deeper, hidden realities of objects and beings. His use of different stones to create harmonious compositions reflects a transformative process—one that imbues lifeless materials with a sense of boundless interpretation and beauty. Through this abstraction, Hemant’s sculptures reveal new dimensions and meanings, evoking endless possibilities for viewers to explore.

Overall, the exhibition presents a compelling narrative of human existence, self-awareness, and the interplay between the visible and the unseen. Through a diverse range of mediums—sculpture, painting, and abstract forms—these artists provide a profound commentary on the human condition, inviting empathy and introspection in their audiences.

METAL CANVAS STONE An Art Exhibition By 4 Renowned Artists In Jehangir Art Gallery

Bigcash Welcomes Nawazuddin Siddiqui As Brand Ambassador, Unveils National Campaign ‘Bade Kaam Ka Khel’

Bigcash Welcomes Nawazuddin Siddiqui As Brand Ambassador, Unveils National Campaign ‘Bade Kaam Ka Khel’

~Launches inspiring campaign ‘Bade Kaam Ka Khel’ that resonates with audiences across India’s heartland~

India, September 26th, 2024: BigCash, one of India’s fastest-growing real money gaming platforms, proudly announces its collaboration with acclaimed Bollywood actor Mr. Nawazuddin Siddiqui as its new celebrity brand endorser. Known for his authentic persona and relentless drive, Siddiqui embodies the spirit of BigCash’s latest campaign, ‘Bade Kaam Ka Khel.’

The ‘Bade Kaam Ka Khel’ campaign, currently live across TV, radio, social media, and digital platforms nationwide, taps into the aspirations of everyday Indians. With Mr. Nawazuddin Siddiqui leading the way, the campaign is about more than just playing games—it’s about using strategy, sharpening skills, and seizing opportunities to win in a safe and secure gaming environment.

Commenting on this significant partnership, Ankur Singh, CEO of BigCash, said, “Mr. Nawazuddin Siddiqui’s journey from humble beginnings to becoming a national icon is a story that resonates deeply with the millions of players on our platform. His authenticity and relatability, especially with audiences from India’s heartland, make him the perfect ambassador for BigCash. We’re excited to have him represent our brand as we continue to grow and deliver an unparalleled gaming experience.”

Through this nationwide campaign, BigCash aims to connect with millions of gamers across the country, particularly in emerging regions, reinforcing its position as the go-to platform for skill-based real money gaming.

The campaign features a powerful narrative, with Mr. Nawazuddin delivering the message “Zindagi me kuch bada karne ke liye bus khoon paseena ek nahi karna padta hai… but on BigCash, playing skill-based games is one of the best ways to achieve something big.” This messaging reflects the hard work, strategy, and dedication that BigCash players bring to their gaming experience. The collaboration captures the essence of individuals who, like Mr. Nawaz, come from modest beginnings but possess a fierce determination to succeed. The campaign’s centrepiece, including the TV commercials and media strategy, was conceptualized and executed by Green Giraffe Media Agency.

Celebrated for his compelling performances in Indian cinema, Mr. Nawazuddin Siddiqui brings authenticity, grit, and versatility—qualities that align perfectly with BigCash’s brand ethos. Expressing his excitement about the partnership, he said, “BigCash represents a new era in gaming—one that combines skill, strategy, and the thrill of competition. I’m excited to be part of this journey and connect with millions of gamers across the country who share my passion for winning.”

BigCash continues to lead the real money gaming space in India, offering popular games like poker, rummy, ludo, and fantasy cricket, while ensuring secure transactions, user safety, and fair play. With over 5 crore players and counting, the platform’s partnership with Nawazuddin Siddiqui marks a new chapter and underscores the app’s commitment to providing an engaging, high-quality gaming experience that appeals to both casual players and gaming enthusiasts alike.

As India’s real money gaming market continues to thrive, BigCash’s collaboration with Mr. Nawazuddin Siddiqui is set to deepen its connection with players, particularly in India’s heartland, while reinforcing its commitment to delivering an unmatched experience built on trust, skill, and fair play.

About BigCash:

Established in 2017, BigCash is India’s fastest growing multi-gaming platform that offers 20+ exciting games in cards, casual and fantasy cricket segments. The company specializes in creating and introducing futuristic games in the real money gaming segment.

BigCash platform is already trusted 5 Cr+ users from all across India and is quickly gaining popularity in the international markets. With monthly active user base of 1.5 million. 5 Lac+ users are daily winning at BigCash platform, and making the most of their gaming skills.

For more information, visit https://www.bigcash.live/

Bigcash Welcomes Nawazuddin Siddiqui As Brand Ambassador, Unveils National Campaign ‘Bade Kaam Ka Khel’

Swiggy One Introduces New “Privileges” With Partners Like Yatra, Cinepolis, Amazon Prime, Disney+ Hotstar, And More

Swiggy One Introduces New “Privileges” With Partners Like Yatra, Cinepolis, Amazon Prime, Disney+ Hotstar, And More

Swiggy One and One Lite members now enjoy exclusive offers on Yatra, Cinepolis, Amazon Prime, Disney+ Hotstar and more this festive season

India, 25th September 2024: Swiggy, India’s pioneering on-demand convenience delivery platform, today announced the addition of “Privileges” to its Swiggy One and Swiggy One Lite membership programs. With millions of subscribers nationwide, Swiggy One is the country’s only membership program offering benefits across food, quick commerce, dining out and pick-up and drop services. By going beyond the app through strategic partnerships with Yatra, Cinepolis, Amazon Prime, Disney+ Hotstar, and more, Swiggy One enhances its offerings with exclusive privileges.
Extending Swiggy One privileges beyond the Swiggy app

Swiggy One Privileges brings exclusive offers and perks that extend beyond Swiggy’s multiple offerings, bringing users the best from Swiggy’s partners across travel, entertainment, OTT, shopping and beauty categories to elevate the Swiggy One member’s experience by focusing on every aspect of their lives.

In travel, Yatra offers exclusive value-added services such as free cancellation, free seat, or free meal selection on flights to Swiggy One members. In entertainment, Cinepolis offers an exclusive Flat 30% discount on movies and food & beverages on their website and app bookings. Additionally, members can also enjoy a flat 25% discount on food and beverages at the Cinepolis F&B counter.

Swiggy One members also have exclusive offers from popular OTT platforms such as INR 150 discount on Amazon Prime, 50% discount on the Disney+Hotstar 3M Super plan, and Buy 1 Get 1 month or Buy 12 Get 3 months offers on SonyLiv Premium plans.

Croma is offering an exclusive 7.5% discount on purchases of INR 30,000 and above at any of its stores. Hamleys is offering free entry to the play arena across their major outlets. On beauty and fashion, Swiggy One Privileges extend to brands like Ajio with a flat 20% off on select merchandise and Lakme with a complimentary waxing on facial service.

Commenting on the added Privileges to the Swiggy One membership program, Anurag P, VP of Growth at Swiggy said, “With millions of users across India, Swiggy One and Swiggy One Lite stand apart for the benefits they provide across fast-growing categories like food delivery, quick commerce, and dining out. We are now making Swiggy One bigger and better through Swiggy One Privileges which has offers spanning high-usage categories such as OTT, travel, fashion, beauty, and more. With these added privileges, Swiggy One will further enhance its standing as the most exciting and rewarding membership program in the country, bringing to life Swiggy’s mission of elevating the quality of life for urban consumers by offering unparalleled convenience.”

How to avail Swiggy One “Privileges”

Members are regularly notified of the latest privileges through homepage notifications, post-order updates, and the newly added ‘Privileges’ section within the Swiggy One and One Lite membership pages. Redeeming offers is simple: members can unlock unique codes via the ‘One Membership Privileges’ section and redeem them directly on partner apps to enjoy offers and benefits. This one- step process keeps members informed and engaged throughout their membership, with multiple touch points guiding them to avail these time-bound exclusive offers.

About Swiggy One and One Lite Membership

Swiggy One and One Lite memberships already provide core benefits such as free delivery and attractive offers on Swiggy Food, Swiggy Instamart, Swiggy Dineout, and Swiggy Genie. Now, with the addition of membership privileges, members can access third-party ephemeral offers like free trials, subscription discounts, and exclusive promotions that add further value to the Swiggy One membership.

 lSwiggy One Introduces New “Privileges” With Partners Like Yatra, Cinepolis, Amazon Prime, Disney+ Hotstar, And More

मुम्बई में हुआ हिंदी फीचर फिल्म “धाक” का भव्य प्रीमियर, हीरो मो. सलीम मुल्लानवर सहित सभी मेहमानों का स्वागत

मुम्बई में हुआ हिंदी फीचर फिल्म “धाक” का भव्य प्रीमियर, हीरो मो. सलीम मुल्लानवर सहित सभी मेहमानों का स्वागत

निर्देशक अनीस बारूदवाले, प्रदीप रावत, शीना शाहाबादी, रुसलान मुमताज, अविनाश वाधवान भी रहे उपस्थित

मुम्बई। एक्शन, रोमांच और ट्विस्ट से भरपूर हिंदी फीचर फिल्म “धाक” का भव्य प्रीमियर मुम्बई के सिनेपोलिस फन रिपब्लिक सिनेमा में किया गया। इस अवसर पर फ़िल्म के हीरो मोहम्मद सलीम मुल्लानवर, निर्देशक अनीस बारूदवाले, “गजनी” फेम ऎक्टर प्रदीप रावत, हीरोइन शीना शाहाबादी, रुसलान मुमताज और अविनाश वाधवान उपस्थित रहे। अतिथियों में हेमंत राय (श्रेया एंटरटेनमेंट), कॉमेडियन सुनील पाल, दिलीप सेन, संगीता तिवारी, शहजाद खान, पंछी जालोनवी इत्यादि मौजूद थे। सभी मेहमानों का शाही अंदाज में बाजे से स्वागत किया गया और प्रीमियर का यह समारोह एक यादगार शाम बन गई।

बॉलीवुड में फिल्म धाक से शुरुआत कर रहे उत्साहित सलीम मुल्लानावर ने कहा कि मेरी फैमिली का बहुत सपोर्ट मिला तभी मैं हीरो बन पाया। फ़िल्म की शूटिंग के दौरान अविनाश जी से भी काफी सपोर्ट मिला, उनसे बहुत कुछ सीखने को मिला। निर्देशक अनीस बारूदवाले ने जिस तरह फ़िल्म को डायरेक्ट किया है वह उनकी काबलियत सिद्ध करता है। मुझे उम्मीद है कि दर्शक फ़िल्म पसन्द करेंगे।

अविनाश वाधवान ने सलीम मुल्लानावर की एक्टिंग की प्रशंसा की। साथ ही उन्होंने डायरेक्टर अनीस बारुदवाले के डेडिकेशन को भी सराहा। गजनी के विलेन के रूप में मशहूर प्रदीप रावत ने भी फ़िल्म धाक की कहानी और इसके प्रेजेंटेशन की तारीफ की।

फ़िल्म की हिरोइन शीना शाहाबादी प्रीमियर पर काफी खूबसूरत और खुश नजर आ रही थीं। उन्होंने कहा कि एक अच्छा कमर्शियल सिनेमा कैसा होता है यह धाक देखकर दर्शक मान लेंगे। मेरा किरदार ऑडिएंस को टच करेगा।

एक्शन रोमांटिक फिल्म “धाक” 20 सितंबर 2024 को लाइफलाइन इंटरप्राइजेज वर्ल्डवाइड द्वारा सिनेमाघरों में रिलीज की गई है। आई एम किंग्स फिल्म्स इंटरनेशनल के बैनर तले बनी इस फ़िल्म के निर्देशक अनीस बारूदवाले ने स्क्रीनप्ले लिखा है, निसार अख्तर ने डायलॉग लिखे हैं। फ़िल्म में रियल एक्शन है। फ़िल्म के पांचों गाने अलग अलग मूड और जॉनर के हैं। जयकारा सॉन्ग सुपर हिट हो गया है, मशहूर डांस डायरेक्टर लॉलीपॉप इसके कोरियोग्राफर है।फ़िल्म के गीतकार साहिल सुल्तानपुरी, अहमद सिद्दीकी, ऋषि आज़ाद, संगीतकार वरदान सिंह, मीत हांडा, साजन शेख (सागर) हैं। 128 मिनट की फ़िल्म में निलोफर गेसावत, पृथ्वी अज़ान, वैष्णवी मैकडोनाल्ड, हेमंत चौधरी ने भी अहम भूमिका निभाई है। फ़िल्म के प्रमोटर शब्बीर शेख हैं।


मुम्बई में हुआ हिंदी फीचर फिल्म “धाक” का भव्य प्रीमियर, हीरो मो. सलीम मुल्लानवर सहित सभी मेहमानों का स्वागत

Bitcoin Surges As Macro Tailwinds And Political Moves Boost Bullish Sentiment

Bitcoin Surges As Macro Tailwinds And Political Moves Boost Bullish Sentiment

Bitcoin kicked off the last week of September with a push to one-month highs, spiking to $64,700 after a strong weekly close. Traders are now eyeing $65,000 as the next key resistance level. The price has been battling the 200-day moving average at $63,925 for the past five days, a level that previously rejected Bitcoin twice in August. According to CoinSwitch’s Market Desk, “A daily close above $64,000 would give bulls more confidence, while a close above $65,000 could break the lower-high pattern, turning Bitcoin’s outlook very bullish.”

Bitcoin ETFs have also seen significant inflows, with $397.2 million added last week, signaling strong institutional interest. Notably, ETFs bought 6,573 BTC while miners produced only 3,150 BTC, creating supply pressure. Despite these positive indicators, Bitcoin remains 13.6% below its all-time high, even as traditional markets like gold, the S&P 500, and the Dow Jones hit record levels.

The altcoin market is also experiencing a boom, supported by last week’s 0.5% interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan keeping rates unchanged. Ethereum, which had underperformed for weeks, has started to gain traction after hitting the lowest ETH/BTC ratio in over 3.5 years. Although concerns over Ethereum’s inflationary supply linger, CoinSwitch experts noted, “It remains less inflationary than Bitcoin, suggesting that if BTC rallies, ETH could follow. Additionally, BlackRock announced plans for a $30 billion AI-focused fund with Microsoft, which has fueled excitement in AI-focused crypto coins like BitTensor, FET, and Near Protocol, all showing strong weekly gains. Solana Labs announced its second crypto phone, “Seeker,” will launch in 2025.”

On the regulatory and political front, the upcoming U.S. elections are making waves in the crypto space. Donald Trump has pivoted his stance on Bitcoin, now proposing a “strategic national Bitcoin stockpile” akin to the U.S. gold reserves, and even launched a new crypto business, World Liberty Financial. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris, the Democratic candidate, mentioned her support for emerging technologies like digital assets for the first time, stirring excitement among crypto enthusiasts. “With crypto now firmly in the political spotlight, alongside favourable macroeconomic conditions, Q4 2024 is shaping up to be a pivotal period for the markets, with bullish sentiment building.” CoinSwitch’s Market Desk highlighted.

MicroStrategy’s recent $489 million investment in Bitcoin, bringing its total holdings to over 252,000 BTC, further reinforces the positive outlook. As CoinSwitch’s desk concluded, “With these macro and political tailwinds, Bitcoin appears well-positioned for a significant breakout as we move further into the year.”

Bitcoin Surges As Macro Tailwinds And Political Moves Boost Bullish Sentiment

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