कम समय में भोजपुरी की टॉप हिरोइनों में शामिल हुईं सोनालिका प्रसाद
सोनालिका प्रसाद भोजपुरी वर्ल्ड में बहुत तेज़ी से उभरता हुआ नाम है, जिन्होंने बेहद कम समय में अपनी एक अलग पहचान कायम कर ली है। आज मुंबई की फिल्म इंडस्ट्री और फिल्मी गलियारों में सोनालिका प्रसाद के चर्चे हर ओर हैं। ट्रेड विशेषज्ञ और फिल्मों के जानकार मानते हैं कि सोनालिका प्रसाद प्रभाव शाली है, जिसकी बदौलत वह इतनी तेज रफ़्तार से सफलता की सीढ़ियां चढ़ रही हैं। सिनेमा और ग्लैमर वर्ल्ड में हालांकि अभिनेत्रियों को स्टार का दर्जा मिलना बड़ा मुश्किल माना जाता है मगर सोनालिका प्रसाद ने अपने अद्भुत टैलेंट और अपनी लगातार मेहनत की वजह से वो मंज़िल की सीढ़ियों पर चढ़ रही है, जिसका लोग ख़्वाब देखते हैं।
भोजपुरी स्टार अरविन्द अकेला कल्लू के साथ भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘राजतिलक’ से हिरोईन के रूप में फिल्मों में प्रवेश करने वाली सोनालिका प्रसाद ने हाल ही में कल्लू के साथ एक फिल्म की शूटिंग पूरी की है। जी हां, कल्लू के साथ सोनालिका की जोड़ी एक बार फिर सिल्वर स्क्रीन पर कमाल करने वाली है। इस भोजपुरी फिल्म का नाम अब तक फाइनल नहीं हुआ है। निर्माता नासिर जमाल और डायरेक्टर किरण की इस फिल्म की शूटिंग पिछले माह हैदराबाद में कमप्लीट की गई।
कल्लू के साथ दोबारा काम करके सोनालिका प्रसाद बेहद उत्साहित हैं। ट्रेड पंडितों का मानना है कि कल्लू और सोनालिका की यह केमिस्ट्री दर्शकों को भी खूब भाती है। सोनालिका भी कल्लू को अपना बेहतरीन को – स्टार मानती हैं। “वह एक बेहतरीन सिंगर और एक्टर होने के साथ साथ बहुत अच्छे इंसान और को ऑपरेटिव को_स्टार भी हैं। इस फिल्म में मेरा रोल भी काफी डिफरेंट है और इसके कई शेडस हैं जो भोजपुरिया दर्शकों के लिए एक दम हटकर एक्सपीरिएंस होगा।”
उललेखनीय है कि अदाकारा सोनालिका प्रसाद ने हाल ही में “बिग गंगा” चैनल पर एक शो को को – होस्ट भी किया था, जिस का नाम है “रोज होई भोज 4”. बिग गंगा के इस खास शो में सोनालिका प्रसाद सेलेब्रिटी गेस्ट के रूप में नजर आईं, जिसमे उन्होंने शो के मेन होस्ट रिपु दमन के साथ होस्ट भी किया।
सोनालिका प्रसाद के हाथों में आजकल कई फिल्में हैं। आप उनकी आने वाली फिल्मों पर एक नज़र डालेंगे तो हैरान रह जाएंगे कि वह कितनी व्यस्त अदाकारा हैं अब चूंकि अनलॉक के तहत थियेटर खोल दिए गए हैं इसलिए उनकी कई फिल्मे रिलीज़ होंगी, जिनमें राजू सिंह माही के अपोजिट तीन फिल्में “सड़क”, “धनिया” और “गुमराह” शामिल हैं। रितेश पांडेय के साथ फिल्म “रॉबिन हुड पांडेय”, रवि किशन के साथ फिल्म “बड़े मियां छोटे मियां”, रवि किशन और राजू सिंह माही के साथ फिल्म “ओम जय जगदीश” भी उनकी अपकमिंग फिल्मे हैं। टीवी पर दिनेश लाल यादव निरहुआ और मनोज टाईगर के साथ वह “बिरहा के बाहुबली” शो में नजर आ चुकी हैं।
भोजपुरी स्टार प्रदीप पांडे चिंटू और अक्षरा सिंह के साथ भोजपुरी फिल्म ‘लैला मजनू’मेे सोनालिका को काफी पसंद किया गया था। कई शोज में उनकी एंकरिंग की भी बड़ी चर्चा रही है। इस तरह देखा जाए तो से सोनालिका प्रसाद एक मल्टी टैलेंटेड अभिनेत्री हैं, जो फिल्में भी करती हैं, टीवी धारावाहिकों को होस्ट भी करती हैं और कई शोज की एंकर भी हैं।
Contestant of Bagseen, Ishwar kumawat has launched a song filmed by Prabhu Solanki and shot in sheoganj city. This song is touching million of hearts and viewers are giving immense love to this art.
Ishwar kumawat is a businessman and he has always wanted to do modeling and acting. He has given many songs act before this launch and people love his melodious voice very much. He always represents a different message of content from his music. A while ago he shot a short film that became viral and occupied many hearts as it was about the current situation, covid pandemic. He keeps inspiring people through his message and wants to see a productive youth.
Kumawat has a dream to make a song on sheoganj city and tell people about sheoganj sirohi and about the customs running in that city.
Completed a movie with Top Actors Full Movie shot in Dense Jungle, Beautiful places in Uttarakhand ( MUSSORIE, VISHRANTI RESORT, RIO RESORT, MALDEVTA, DUNGA ( PALACE ), RUSHIKESH, THANO, D.O.P – DHRID BASU, Choreographer – BOBBIE, Story & screenplay – DILIP MISHRA & RAKESH SAWANT, Dialogues – NISAR AKHTAR, Music – PRAVIN MORE & SAYED AHMED, Lyrics – NISAR AKHTAR, Action – BAJI BAJIRAO ( Hyderabad ) , Art Director – SACHIN PATIL, Editor – YOGESH MORE .”
Name – A. Sanjana Reddy
Winner: Miss Universe 2020 title “Miss Glamorous “
Age: 18 years. I am from Hyderabad know as queen of Deccan and also known as city of pearls.
I am playing tennis since 10 years.I played many National and International tournaments .I have won Bronze medal U(17) in 2017 in khelo India . I won many tournaments I played. My goal is to become a professional tennis player. I came to know about Miss Universe 2020
contest through my mentors. Especially, I thank Sandy Jiol sir and Priya ma’am for grooming me so well.It was a great experience being a part of this pageant and winning ms Glamorous .This is my life time achievement and I would like to thank each and everyone for making it possible.
Especially I want to thank my Dad,Mom and my sister for supporting me.Thank you one and all.
भोजपुरी फ़िल्म “तोता मैना” का फ़र्स्ट लुक जारी हुआ!
नई दिल्ली । भोजपुरी फ़िल्म “तोता मैना” की पोस्ट्प्रडक्शन ज़ोरों से चल रहा है! इस बीच फ़िल्म का बहुत ही ख़ूबसूरत पोस्टर जारी किया गया और देखते ही वाइरल हो गया! प्यार-मोहब्बत, सस्पेंशन और ओनर किलिंग के इर्दगिर्द घूमती “तोता मैना” एक साफ़-सुथरी परिवारिक मनोरंजक फ़िल्म है। फ़िल्म में कुल 8 सुमधुर गाने है जो आप अपने घर में सबके साथ बेहिचक सुन सकते और आनंद उठा सकते है! मुम्बई की “सबरंग फ़िल्म प्रोडक्शन ” के बैनर तले बन रही “तोता मैना” के निर्माता कुलदीप श्रीवास्तव है। इस फ़िल्म से “टिक टॉक” सूपरस्टार “श्वेता झा” अपनी फ़िल्मी सफ़र की शुरुआत कर रही है! फ़िल्म में श्वेता चुलबुली व बिंदास लड़की की किरेदार निभा रही है!
समूचा परिवार एक साथ बेहिचक “तोता मैना” को देख सकते है, पुरी तरह साफ़ सुथरी फ़िल्म है। बहुत खूबसूरत प्रेम कहानी के साथ ख़तरनाक घटनायें घटी होती है, जो दर्शकों अंत तो बांधे रखे रहेगा। तीन लड़के-लड़कियों की कहनी है। फ़िल्म में आठ मधुर गीत-संगीत से गाने है। फ़िल्म के लेखक शब्बिर आलम है! कलाकार: धनजय राज, तान्या तिवारी, राहुल टाईगर, जुही पांडेय, सोनू साजन, टिक टोक स्टार श्वेता झा, मंटू लाल, विजय श्रीवास्तव, काजल सिंह, रोहन सिंह, शैलेश और बुल्लेट शर्मा।
निर्देशक: एच आर पी बाबू, संगीत : शिवा तिवारी और डी. सुशांत, गीत: डा. रंजू सिन्हा, विश्वनाथ राजपुरी और राजा भोजपुरिया। डांस: कानू मुखर्जी का है।
The event will be inaugurated online by Shri Nitin Gadkari, the Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways, Minister of Shipping, and the Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
The maiden edition of the Namaste Bharat series- the largest global online L2G (Local to Global) exhibition for Indian products will be held from 29th October to 7th November 2020. Namaste Bharat is the first of its kind exhibition for promoting ‘Made in India’ products globally. Conceptualized and curated by Singapore’s leading events and marketing company – De Ideaz- the exhibition will see over 400 plus local Indian exhibitors showcasing over 100,000 Made in India products. Namaste Bharat will be live on http://www.namastebharat.world and will have global visitors and buyers for 10 days.
The event will be inaugurated online by Shri Nitin Gadkari, the Union Minister for Road Transport & Highways, Minister of Shipping, and the Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.
Namaste Bharat is backed by high-profile organizations and prominent partners among them is the nodal agency, the Federation of Indian Export Organizations (FIEO) and the High Commission of India in Singapore. In addition, the online exhibition event is being supported by the Australian India Business and Trade Foundation, Gulf Maharashtra Business Forum, the Indian American International Chamber of Commerce and other business bodies.
Commenting on the launch, Ms. Purnima Kamath, Founder & CEO – De Ideaz said “We are thrilled to announce the launch of Namaste Bharat. It is our labour of love and our contribution to our homeland India. The exhibition aims to promote local products and make them accessible globally. This pandemic has hit us all and the most affected have been those that are at the grass-root level. We know that by going digital they will have an opportunity to feature their talent and products for a global audience. We have integrated the latest virtual technology to achieve this and make this event a grand success.”
Some of the key participating exhibitors include Aadyam Handwoven, an Aditya Birla initiative, Antaran Lyla Blanc, Dr. Nutree Health Products, Dalan Maharashtrache, Ashok Masale Group 4 and many others.
One of the main supporters of Namaste Bharat is Aamhi Udyogini Prathishthan, a 20 year old establishment from Mumbai formed with the sole intention of women empowerment. Their founder member Mrs. Meenal Mohadikar said “We are extremely proud to be associated with the Namaste Bharat, this is the need of the hour and so timely. A lot of value-added services are enhanced through such platforms for our women entrepreneurs and they get a global exposure, we look forward for long term relation with De Ideaz and Namaste Bharat”.
Aadyam Handwoven, an Aditya Birla initiative is the Gold sponsor of Namaste Bharat. Mr. Saurabh Khedekar, Senior Vice President & Principal EA to Chairman, Aditya Birla Group said “Aadyam Handwoven is very excited to partner with Namaste Bharat. A digital reincarnation of this unique platform to promote Indian artisans and rural entrepreneurs will go a long way in supporting the livelihoods of those carrying forward the unique arts of India. We feel sure that Namaste Bharat will become the foundation of a highly impactful ecosystem which will create a much larger global engagement for this deserving community”
Through this exhibition, Namaste Bharat envisions amplifying the messages of ‘Make in India’ and ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’.
Namaste Bharat aims to provide entrepreneurs and artisans affected by the pandemic with an AI driven, e-commerce platform so that they can create sustainable livelihoods by showcasing their craft and enterprise.
Radio City is the FM partner spreading awareness of the event. Ruma Devi, the face of New India and Shiv Khera, the motivational author are our Ambassadors of Namaste Bharat.
About Namaste Bharat:
Namaste Bharat, the largest global online L2G (Local to Global) exhibition aiming to create an ecommerce ecosystem for MSME, cottage industries, artisans and rural-urban women entrepreneurs in order to build a sustainable livelihood by promoting “Made in India” products globally. During this pandemic, we felt a strong need to convert our existing offline exhibition, which we have been organizing in Singapore since the last 10 years, to go online and use our expertise to create a much larger global engagement.
For more information on Namaste Bharat, visit http://www.namastebharat.world/
Watch the trailer of Pallavi Kulkarni Starrer CHAND JAISAN DULHAN HAMAR | OFFICIAL TRAILER
About Pallavi Kulkarni
Actress of rare acting calibre is busy with the shooting for films and modelling after the unlock with government guidelines to resume shoots for films & TV Serials.
Recently she did of her Bhojpuri film CHAND JAISAN DULHAN HAMAR. the trailer was launched recently on Social Media..
Pallavi Kulkarni has played a vital role and and 2 songs in Rakesh Sawant’s Tamil Film Amavasai has been appreciated by the audience and critics as well.
In a very short span of time charming sensational actress Pallavi Kulkarni has made her presence felt in Film industry, TV and regional films with her acting calibre. With just few releases to her credit but has become sensational sought after actress for many pivotal roles.
She has many films And Webseries nearing completion. With many new films starting soon for which dates and negotiations are in process. Her face is her fortune, acting, dancing & her figure is her additional plus point and her fantastic performance has made her one of the most praiseworthy leading lady of Hindi other regional films as well.
Film- CHAND JAISAN DULHIN HAMAR Producer- Arun kumar Dubey, Regal Film and music production Director- Ram j. Patel Music- Savan kumar Lyrics- Pyare lal kavi ji, shekhar madhur,Vinay nirmal, Pintu Giri D.O.P- Samrat singh Writer- Shamsher Sen Pro-Sanjay Bhushan Patiyala Star cast- Prem Singh,Gunjan pant, Vimal Pandey, Pallavi Kulkarni, Vinod mishra, Deepak sinha,Jay Prakash Singh,Sahab lal dhari, Sunil Dutt Pandey, Yogdan chauhan, Arun kumar Dubey,Poonam Rai,Ritu mishra, chandramukhi, Vivek masum, Rahul Pandey, Raveena singh, Rajeev etc Banner – Shree sadguru entertainment House,Regal Film and music production Presenter – SHANTI ENTERPRISES DIGITAL MANAGER – PRIYA VIDEO TEAM MUSIC LABEL – PRIYA MUSI
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Merchant navy is a highly lucrative and dynamic career opportunity as 90 percent of the world’s goods are transported through ships. Apart from handsome remunerations, people employed in the shipping industry enjoy travelling across the globe and interacting with people of different cultures, ethnicity and race.
Among various courses offered by marine educational institutes in India, Marine Engineering is an interesting and specialized branch of engineering with highly rewarding prospects.
Why Marine Engineering?
According to estimates, the number of active Indian seafarers, employed aboard Indian or foreign flagged ships, has grown by about 45 percent in the last few years. The government is planning to hire around 3.5 lakh seafarers in the next three to five years, a move aimed at promoting shipping industry jobs as an attractive career option.
These figures are mind boggling. However, the important question is that can we match this demand?
Going by the figures of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, there are 6,214 engineering and technology institutes in the country. About 2.9 million students are enrolled in these institutes.
On an average, every year around 1.5 million students get a degree in engineering. However, fewer than 20 percent get employed in their core field. This is because of a lack of employable skills which are needed to carry out technical jobs.
Thus, more courses are needed which lead to direct employability of the graduating students. This is where the B Tech Marine Engineering and Graduate Marine Engineering courses come into the picture.
In B Tech Marine Engineering the total available seats in the country are only about 3,500 per year. However, due to lack of awareness about this course, the number of applications to this course is rather negligible.
On the other hand, the employability of the graduating students of B Tech Marine Engineering is very high as compared to other engineering courses in the country. Cadets immediately get selected by reputed shipping companies as their skills are in high demand. This is where IMI is making a difference. Read on…
IMI: The torch bearer of marine education
The International Maritime Institute (IMI), Greater Noida, is one of the leading institutes in India that offers marine engineering courses and practical on-board experience for engineering cadets.
Established in 1991, IMI has been awarded the A1 ‘Outstanding’ grading by the Indian Registrar of Shipping. The A1 Grading is the highest certification being granted to maritime training institutes in the country as per the stringent norms laid out by the DG Shipping.
Equipped with excellent infrastructure, it is the only institute in North India to have one of the most sophisticated, complex and excellent training-aids, the ‘Ship in Campus’, designed by IIT Kharagpur. The ‘Ship in Campus’ is truly an engineering masterpiece and is fitted with a 2000 BHP main engine.
In addition, there are extensive workshops set-up with recent additions of state-of-the-art laboratories for electronics, instrumentation and control engineering to cater to the requirement of training for modern ships.
IMI has more than 10 acres of land covering hostels, mess rooms, classrooms, laboratories, workshops, swimming pool and play-fields.
Courses in Marine Engineering
The foremost course offered by IMI is B Tech in Marine Engineering that offers a study of the various systems and controls used on a ship to ensure navigation and maintain the safety of those on board. It also covers various subjects of ship structure design, besides mechanical and electrical engineering.
The other course provided by IMI is Graduate in Marine Engineering (GME), which is a one-year programme for students having a 4-year B Tech Mechanical degree, to brighten their prospects in the Merchant Navy.
IMI adds value to the courses
These courses are 100% residential courses with a high demand for cadets in the Indian Navy too. IMI’s Marine Engineering courses are extremely practical oriented courses and the need to spend time on the campus is very crucial to hone up one’s skills to perform better and with confidence on the ship.
The institute has extensive tie ups with banks for education loans to support the students financially. The course fee also includes boarding, lodging, food, uniform, medical insurance and other amenities charges, which one may have to arrange in other engineering disciplines.
The course in addition teaches the importance of discipline and values for becoming a better human being. IMI has also employed the services of a psychologist from HappeeMindz to make the students emotionally strong and teach them the necessary skills to cope up with work stress.
Also, the institute is taking all precautions regarding the social distancing norms and following all safety guidelines to keep the students safe and healthy through this educational journey.
Extremely attractive career growth path
On completion of either of these courses, a cadet is eligible to join a ship as an Engine Cadet and thereafter his/her career journey begins, requiring them to complete a certain amount of sailing time for eligibility to the next promotion.
Mostly, within 8-12 years, cadets can climb to the top post of Chief Engineer, bagging a salary package of around Rs 5 lakh per month. Salaries received are mostly in foreign currency, primarily US dollars and they are extremely handsome packages which are exempt from taxes too.
By virtue of its long association with shipping companies, running into more than three decades, IMI ensures placement of its students in prestigious companies such as Maersk, MSC, Fleet Management, PIL, Dockendale Ship Management, V R Maritime, Darya Shipping, Ships and many more.
Eligibility for the courses
For B Tech in Marine Engineering, one needs to have passed 10+2 or an equivalent examination with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English as separate subjects with a PCM average of not less than 60 percent.
For Graduate in Marine Engineering popularly known as GME course, one needs Graduation in Mechanical Engineering/Naval Architecture with a minimum of 50 percent marks in the final year and with minimum 50 percent marks in English language at 10th class or 12th class or graduate degree examination.
Apply online
Visit www.imi.edu.in for more details and register online to secure your future and have a great career in marine engineering!
The decision of the Maharashtra Government to formulate a comprehensive policy for the Entertainment sector and expedite the procedure of extending “Industry” status to the sector, has come in at the most appropriate time for the fraternity. We are upbeat & overwhelmed with jubilation. This positive announcement made by Shri Amit Deshmukh Cultural Minister Government of Maharashtra is a welcome move and undoubtedly will bring in progressive ramifications to the sector.
Cine & TV Artists association ( CINTAA) , the oldest and most reputed one has strived very hard to get support for the betterment of the Fraternity in general and the actors community in particular. Realizing the challenges faced and to be on par with other sectors, the idea to have an Industry status for us has always been our foremost objectives and our pursuit has always been rationale driven. Our efforts have been truly paid.
We congratulate the Cultural Ministry and other stakeholders of Maharashtra who have taken this pragmatic decision.–
For Further Details Contact
Naarad PR & Image Strategists
Mobile : 9820 535 230 — 800 747 6464
Grand opening Ceremony of SILVELINE Electric Two and Three Wheelers in Mira road , Product of “SILVELINE POWER STATION “, F.S. ENTERPRISE Authorised Dealer appointed for Mira road , Inauguration By Chief Guest Ex. MLA. Shri Narendra L. Mehta. On these occasion GUEST OF HONOUR , Deputy Mayor MBMC Shri Hasmukh Gehlot, Smt. Rasmita Panigrahi , Md of Silveline, Celebrities Guest Actor & Anchor Habib Mithiborwala, Actress and Model Shwet Nisha, Nish Yadav, Shirin Farid , DR. Keval Kumar Leo Media Digital, Satish Agarwal DSA Bollywood Channel. K.G.N. Group, Feroz Shaikh, Faiyaz Khan, Shyam Jairaj.
Press conference was held were marketing team and owner, explain about the product ,mileage, charging station, battery, price etc, many news paper, News Channel, and website owner were present, Mr. Rono Chakraborty, CEO,Cinemawala Communication Worldwide, Senior editor Mr Ved Prakash of Siddhant Samachar, Lucky , Santosh Sahu, Senior Journalist .
On these occasion leaders and celebrities also talk benefits of E-Wheels. Trophy Token of appreciation was given to political leader, celebrities, Md of company, media, as guest of honour.
YOU CAN WATCH VIDEO ON YOUTUBE, Venue : SEVEN HEAVEN TOWER, Shop No. 6&7, Opp. Reliance Petrol Pump, Mira Bhayander Road, Mira Road(E), Thane – 401107. P.R. & PROMOTION BY DSA BOLLYWOOD CHANNEL 8108925888 & LEO MEDIA DIGITAL.