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मुम्बई। मुक्ति ऑडिटोरियम में फेस ऑफ इंडिया अचीवर्स अवार्ड (सीजन वन) का भव्य आयोजन सम्पन्न हुआ। इस आयोजन में विभिन्न क्षेत्रों से जुड़े व्यक्तियों को उनके उल्लेखनीय कार्यों के लिए सम्मानित किया गया। अवार्ड शो में आकर्षण का केंद्र टीवी, फिल्म से जुड़े लोग रहे। इस कार्यक्रम में अभिनेत्री महिमा चौधरी के हातों मिला फेस ऑफ इंडिया अचीवर्स अवार्ड रॉकस्टार सिंगर चिंतन बाकीवाला दिया गया, अभिनेता मुकेश ऋषि, अभिनेत्री पूनम झावर, रीवा चौधरी, भोजपुरी अभिनेत्री रानी चटर्जी, संगीतकार दिलीप सेन और कॉमेडियन सुनील पाल जैसे कई दिग्गज कलाकार पुरस्कृत हुए साथ ही इन्हीं सेलिब्रिटी कलाकारों ने अपने हाथों से उभरते हुए कलाकारों, समाजसेवकों, व्यवसायियों को ट्रॉफी देकर सम्मानित किया। इनके अलावा कथक डांसर अपर्णा राव, शिल्पा गाँधी, शैली मित्रा, साजिद खान, मंगेश वगाधले, निर्माता निर्देशक के सी बोकाडिया, मुस्तफा यूसुफअली गोम, एक्टर रोहित राज, अभिनेता बृजगोपाल, निर्माता मोहन नादर, गजेन्द्र श्रीवास्तव, अधिवक्ता विक्रम सिंह, संजय सिंह (क्रिएटिव एडिटर), वास्तु एक्सपर्ट बसंत राय वासिया, महेंद्र श्रीवास्तव, निकेश ताराचंद शाह जैन, अनिता सिसोदिया (डायरेक्टर, कृतिका फिल्म्स प्रोडक्शन), गुजराती स्टार किरण आचार्य, योगेंद्र श्रीवास्तव, यूनुस एम पठान (गारमेंट एक्सपोर्टर) को भी फेस ऑफ इंडिया अचीवर्स अवार्ड प्राप्त हुआ।
अवार्ड पाने की श्रेणी में कई अभिनेता और अभिनेत्री, गायक, फिल्म निर्माता, संगीतकार, नेता और समाजसेवक शामिल रहे।
इस अवार्ड शो के स्पॉन्सर खालिद खान (एसकेके बिल्डर एंड डेवलपर), मुकेश गुप्ता (तिरुपति बालाजी मीडिया), को स्पॉन्सर बाबू भाई पटेल (सीताराम इंफ्राप्रोजेक्ट प्राइवेट लिमिटेड) और धर्मदास रमानी (द्वारिका फैमिली पार्क) थे।
तन्मय सेन गुप्ता (बिन्स एंटरटेनमेंट) और पुनीत खरे (मयूरी मीडिया वर्क के संचालक) ने इस इवेंट को सफलतापूर्वक आयोजित किया।
इस अवसर पर महिमा चौधरी ने सभी सम्मानित व्यक्तियों को शुभकामनाएं दी और उनको प्रोत्साहित किया। अभिनेता मुकेश ऋषि ने कहा कि हर अवार्ड के पीछे एक सोच और मेहनत होती है। कलाकार अपनी कला को निखारते रहें क्योंकि उनकी कला एक न एक दिन अवश्य सम्मानित होगी। कार्यक्रम में आयोजक तन्मय सेन गुप्ता और वरिष्ठ फिल्म प्रचारक पुनीत खरे ने सेलिब्रिटी कलाकारों का आभार जताते हुए कहा कि आप सभी ने इस अवार्ड शो की गरिमा बढ़ाई। उभरते कलाकार दिल से अपनी कला का प्रदर्शन करें ताकि हम आपको हमेशा सम्मानित कर सकें। सुनील पाल ने मंच पर मिमिक्री करके सबको खुश कर दिया।
छायाकार : रमाकांत मुंडे मुंबई
रॉकस्टार सिंगर चिंतन बाकीवाला को महिमा चौधरी के हातों मिला फेस ऑफ इंडिया अचीवर्स अवार्ड २०२३
मुम्बई। मुक्ति ऑडिटोरियम में फेस ऑफ इंडिया अचीवर्स अवार्ड (सीजन वन) का भव्य आयोजन सम्पन्न हुआ। इस आयोजन में विभिन्न क्षेत्रों से जुड़े व्यक्तियों को उनके उल्लेखनीय कार्यों के लिए सम्मानित किया गया। अवार्ड शो में आकर्षण का केंद्र टीवी, फिल्म से जुड़े लोग रहे। इस कार्यक्रम में धर्मा रामानी (द्वारका वाटर पार्क के मालिक) को महिमा चौधरी के हाथों फेस ऑफ इंडिया अचीवर्स अवार्ड देकर सन्मानित किया, और अभिनेता मुकेश ऋषि, अभिनेत्री पूनम झावर, रीवा चौधरी, भोजपुरी अभिनेत्री रानी चटर्जी, संगीतकार दिलीप सेन और कॉमेडियन सुनील पाल जैसे कई दिग्गज कलाकार पुरस्कृत हुए साथ ही इन्हीं सेलिब्रिटी कलाकारों ने अपने हाथों से उभरते हुए कलाकारों, समाजसेवकों, व्यवसायियों को ट्रॉफी देकर सम्मानित किया। इनके अलावा कथक डांसर अपर्णा राव, शिल्पा गाँधी, शैली मित्रा, साजिद खान, मंगेश वगाधले, निर्माता निर्देशक के सी बोकाडिया, मुस्तफा यूसुफअली गोम, एक्टर रोहित राज, अभिनेता बृजगोपाल, निर्माता मोहन नादर, गजेन्द्र श्रीवास्तव, अधिवक्ता विक्रम सिंह, संजय सिंह (क्रिएटिव एडिटर), वास्तु एक्सपर्ट बसंत राय वासिया, महेंद्र श्रीवास्तव, निकेश ताराचंद शाह जैन, अनिता सिसोदिया (डायरेक्टर, कृतिका फिल्म्स प्रोडक्शन), गुजराती स्टार किरण आचार्य, योगेंद्र श्रीवास्तव, यूनुस एम पठान (गारमेंट एक्सपोर्टर) को भी फेस ऑफ इंडिया अचीवर्स अवार्ड प्राप्त हुआ।
अवार्ड पाने की श्रेणी में कई अभिनेता और अभिनेत्री, गायक, फिल्म निर्माता, संगीतकार, नेता और समाजसेवक शामिल रहे।
इस अवार्ड शो के स्पॉन्सर खालिद खान (एसकेके बिल्डर एंड डेवलपर), मुकेश गुप्ता (तिरुपति बालाजी मीडिया), को स्पॉन्सर बाबू भाई पटेल (सीताराम इंफ्राप्रोजेक्ट प्राइवेट लिमिटेड) थे।
तन्मय सेन गुप्ता (बिन्स एंटरटेनमेंट) और पुनीत खरे (मयूरी मीडिया वर्क के संचालक) ने इस इवेंट को सफलतापूर्वक आयोजित किया।
इस अवसर पर महिमा चौधरी ने सभी सम्मानित व्यक्तियों को शुभकामनाएं दी और उनको प्रोत्साहित किया। अभिनेता मुकेश ऋषि ने कहा कि हर अवार्ड के पीछे एक सोच और मेहनत होती है। कलाकार अपनी कला को निखारते रहें क्योंकि उनकी कला एक न एक दिन अवश्य सम्मानित होगी। कार्यक्रम में आयोजक तन्मय सेन गुप्ता और वरिष्ठ फिल्म प्रचारक पुनीत खरे ने सेलिब्रिटी कलाकारों का आभार जताते हुए कहा कि आप सभी ने इस अवार्ड शो की गरिमा बढ़ाई। उभरते कलाकार दिल से अपनी कला का प्रदर्शन करें ताकि हम आपको हमेशा सम्मानित कर सकें। सुनील पाल ने मंच पर मिमिक्री करके सबको खुश कर दिया।
छायाकार : रमाकांत मुंडे मुंबई
धर्मा रामानी (द्वारका वाटर पार्क के मालिक) को महिमा चौधरी के हाथों फेस ऑफ इंडिया अचीवर्स अवार्ड देकर सन्मानित किया ।
Mumbai witnessed a Two Day Event by PRADHANMANTRI ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT ABHIYAN and PREM KUMAR in bringing Intellectual Personalities on one Platform with the unanimous aim of following the Dreams and Aspirations of our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi at Y B Chouhan Nariman Point, Churchgate on 19 th and 20 August 2023 from 10. 00 AM To 10. 00 PM
The International Meet Organized by PRADHANMANTRI ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT with IGR PUBLICATIONS and FILMS FRATERNITY FOUNDATION. The two Days Event concluded Cerimoniously in presence of several Dignitaries, Celebrities and Younger Generation of INDIA.
National Spokesperson of Pradhanmantri Aatmanirbhar Bharat Prem Kumar explained the purpose of the Event in brief , “It was the participation of the people of the Country in bringing the Dream of our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji to reality. Though we are celeberating 75 years of INDIAS INDEPENDENCE, the nine years from 2014 were significance in which our Country has made a Landmark Progress. It was our small attempt in reaching the vision of our Prime Minister to the people at large. The vision of our Prime Minister will always remain the guidelines of our Sanghathan.”
Several renowned personalities attended the Event on 19th and 20th Aug at Y B Chavan Auditorium and expressed their Views and Thoughts in this International Summit.
“Contribution of Mr Prem Kumar is noteworthy ” Dr Manju Lodha.
The Chairperson of Lodha Foundation Dr Manju Lodha said that she has initiated several programmes and events to further and strengthen the Women Empowerment in the Society. “We have implemented several schemes to make them self reliant and self sustainable in the Society” she said.
She mesmerized all the participants in the event by her inspiring speech in which she named all women of the Nation who have paved their names in the History of India by sheer hard work and dedication this kept all the participants spellbound as they realized that the INDIAN WOMEN has not spared a single field where she has not carved her achievement. She appreciated the fact that it is difficult to execute such a challenging intellectual event in any city so amicably. She said, “I Bless my brother, Prem Kumar for his herculian task for organizing this event in support of our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji in surging INDIA to the Worlds Strongest Economy”. She recollected their Event organized at Mahalakshami Race Course , few years ago which featured Lata Mangeshkar and the than Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Narendra Modiji where all had visualized that Narendra Modiji would be “the future of INDIA ” who will lead the party to the “Mahasatta ” and today it is the undisputed fact, we are already there.
“I truely appreciate and applaud the efforts of Shri Prem Kumar ” Dr Rizwan Adatia, Chairperson of COGEF GROUP, AFRICA.
He said “Modiji has given him opportunity to meet Him several times. I am also committed to Modi jis ideology and dream. INDIA is marching ahead, he said.
I know Mr Prem Kumar for several years, he is committed to his work”. Mr Rizwan Adatia has given employment to almost 3500 workers all over the World, his Foundation has successfully executed several social events in INDIA for the common man emphasizing on their self sufficiency.
The Chairperson of Commission for Women Haryana, Ms Renu Bhatia did the honors of inauguration by lighting the lamp. She conveyed her life story, struggle her belief and her journey from Lone Ranger to the Chairperson of “Hariyana State commission for women” via a successful model, a National News Reader and a successful fighter who carved her own path to success dispite of umpteen hindrances and discouragements from all quarters.
What others said Supreme Court Lawyer, Mr Puneet Chaturvedi emphasised on the importance of Law, its use and the Constructive changes and reforms brought by the Central Government from time to time. He gave a indepth information on the issue.
Director General Maharashtra Special Force Shri Krishna Prakash also graced the Event with his presence and powerful speech. He said that now is the time for 140 crore people of our Country to show Solidarity and stand by our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji and bring His Dream of Atmanirbhar Bharat to reality. He expressed his happiness on Mr Prem Kumar being appointed National Spokesperson of the Sanghathan. He said, he knows Prem Kumar for number of years, his Oratory and literature competency will now get due justice and a deserved place.
Mr Akhilesh Duby, the Core Member of the Pradhanmantri Atmanirbhar Bharat who flew specially from Ayodhya for the Event also spoke on the ocassion. “Mr. Prem Kumar is our guiding force of the Sanghathan and we are with him with heart and Soul to realize the Dream of our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji of making Self relient and Self Sufficient India.
Dr Datanand Tiwari also expressed his views on the glorious ocassion. He said Prem Kumar has connectivity with the Grass root level and knows the pulse of the younger generation. I know him for years, I have seen his journey with my own eyes. I wholeheartedly appreciate his efforts in his work at National Level. I am personally confident that he will leave no stone unturned in bringing the Dreams of our Prime Minister to reality. I am extrely happy that his efforts of years are recognized today in real sense. His event in Delhi was well attended including the Ambassador of Denmark who spoke about the Country of INDIA and our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji in High Esteem. Now today in Mumbai this is another attempt of joining hands with the younger generation of our Country . This Event is a platform of give and take of ideas and views of how we will contribute our efforts in realizing the Dream of our Prime Minister and the Country of INDIA. PRADHANMANTRI ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT will spread the network of their Connectivity all over INDIA. I wish them all luck for their future Endeavors.
Aminent Actor Dan Singh Rajput applauded Mr Prem Kumar for his efforts of bringing intellectuals from our Country and overseas on one platform. He said Prem Kumar was his student in acting, today he has a wider affiliation towards the Nation and he is making use of his talent in connecting the younger generation of the Country with the Dream and aspirations of our Prime Minister Today, we require knowledge and learned Speakers who can sail the Indian youth to their destination. Our Country is rich in Culture and Traditions but the younger need to be enlightened, I am sure Prem Kumar can successfully execute this Herculian task as He is a Master in Literature and has studied Politics, Acadamically. His knowledge and expertise will be put to the right use in a wider perspective. I Salute his love for the Nation. Mr. Dan Singh Rajput said such events should be held in other parts of tge Country too.
Dr KarunaShankar Upadhyay International writer and defence expert applauded the Countrys strategic strength. He said the current Government has made our Country self Reliant and self sustained in the field of Defence. This was possible only because of our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji. Removal of Article 370 speaks volumes of His Personality. Thats the reason even a Child in INDIA says, Modi hai to mumkin hai.
Bhabha Nuclear Power Plant Scientist Dr Avdhesh Narayan Varma explained to the Guests how our Country is progressing in the field of Science and Technology and how we are marching towards self relience in time to come. Our Chandrayan 3 will set a landmark tomorrow to the entire World when we succeed in our Mission and the Dream set forth by our Hon. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji.
Vinod Dube set the patriotic wave amongst the participants by singing Patriotic Songs
Mr Yogesh Sahu, Dr Raj Varma, Smart Prime Technique Founder Mr Samrat expressed their views and opinions on the Event.
Event was concluded by International Poet Mr Obaid Azam Azam along with many poets and poetess who recited their best for the nation.
Mr Arun Sinha who has employed more than 1000 youths was honoured with Bhartiya Udyam Ratna Award. Dr Vikram Bhatia, Mr Amit Gundeja, Abhishek Sahay, Dr Prasla, Kasam Bhai Saleh, Rajesh Shrivastav, Munib Chaurasia, Priyanka Jain, Renu Yadav, Namita Pandey, Muskan Khatra, Poonam Vishwakarma, Qumar Siddiqui, Veena Bhatija, Dr Pankaj Soni, Kamlesh Ram, Dharmendra Upadhyay also participated in the Event.
It was important to note that our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji has referred the work of Mr Gaurav Khurana who initiated the steps of Self Reliant and Self Sufficient Indian Villages and his initiative was applauded by our Prime Minister Himself.
Supreme Court Lawyer Mr Vinay Dube expressed his views that Events like Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan can contribute towards self sufficiency of our Country considerably.
Cinema Connects India with the World and plays pivotal role in connecting the Global Population with INDIA. Actress Nisha Parulekar Hemal Parekh, Mrs India Universe Anuja Jhaveri , Ajit Dube and many other participants expressed their views about the responsibility of Actors in boosting Indias image.
The Organizers of the Event Dr Mukesh Sharma, Ram kumar Pal, Arun Lal, Kapil Varma, Subodh Nemlekar, Ajay Sharma, Manoj Kumar Singh, Surendra Das, Vipin Gupta, Junior Johny Ramesh Kumar, Dr Pandya, Shashikant Deshpande, Kripa Shah, Rajesh Tak, Bholanath Chaudhari, Suraj Yadav, Vishal Bhagat, Pankaj Pal supported the Event with all their efforts.
The Event was Host by Poet and Anchor Shashi Pandey and Mr Puneet Bareja.
IGR Publication Founder & CEO Arunlal expressed the vote of thanks to all the participants of the Event.
International Intellectual Meet ’23 In Mumbai
Recaverse Academy Miss Universal 2023 Chandigarh audition was held on 20th Aug, 2023 at SMCBIZZ Studio Chandigarh. Where participants from Himachal, Jammu, Punjab and Haryana have came for the audition. Due to heavy rain fall about 25 to 30 participants turn up for the audition. Mr Yusuf and Sanjeev organizers of Miss Universal 2023 were the main jury from Mumbai whereas Sunil Bansal director SMCBIZZ and International choreographer and show director Mr Malone along with super model Anamika were the eminent guest and Jury of the audition. The Recaverse Academy is the presenter of this year’s Miss Universal 2023. Whereas Kajal Atelier Fashion is one of the official.designer of the pageant and Bright outdoor is outdoor partner along with Fashion Herald official Fashion Magazine partner of the pageant.
Miss Universal Chandigarh Audition Held On 20th Aug 2023
Muskan Bamne, a widely acclaimed actress famed for her captivating portrayal in the hit serial “Anupama,” has taken on a new role that is bound to resonate deeply with fans across the nation. In an extraordinary display of patriotism, Muska Bamne has graced the screen in the patriotic video song titled “Hume Pyar Hai Vatan Se.” The song, passionately sung by Amit Mishra and penned by the multifaceted artist and dedicated social activist, Raj Jagatsinh, has captured the hearts of audiences far and wide.Visshoo Mukherjee is the music director of the song.
With its heartwarming lyrics that transcend barriers of religion and caste, “Hume Pyar Hai Vatan Se” has struck a chord with audiences across the nation. The song encapsulates the spirit of unity and ignites the flame of patriotism in the hearts of all who listen to it. Raj Jagatsinh’s composition carries a powerful message of companionship among Indians and love for the motherland, encouraging a sense of shared identity.
Raj Jagatsinh’s life story serves as a shining example of the unwavering strength of the human spirit. In his youth, he aspired to become a cricketer, driven by his passion for the sport. However, encountering challenges within the cricket industry led him to a different path. Alongside these experiences, he faced personal struggles and overcame them, guided by the profound wisdom of Swami Vivekananda.
In his earlier years, Raj Jagatsinh navigated moments of inner turmoil, but his resilience and the wisdom he drew from Swami Vivekananda’s teachings became his guiding light. Overcoming these obstacles, he emerged with a renewed sense of purpose and a determination to contribute positively to society.
Raj Jagatsinhs “Youth the Nation Foundation” platform stands as a testament to his commitment to empowering disadvantaged youth, providing them with opportunities to realize their aspirations. Through this foundation, he has created a space where underprivileged young individuals can nurture their talents and pursue their dreams.
Raj Jagatsinh’s journey, from his early dreams of cricket to his transformative experiences, embodies the strength of human endurance and the power of positive change. His efforts through the “Youth the Nation Foundation” exemplify his dedication to building a better future for the underprivileged youth, nurturing their potential, and guiding them toward success.
Determined to make a positive impact on society, Raj founded the “Youth the Nation Foundation” in 2013, a platform dedicated to empowering underprivileged youth and helping them achieve their dreams.
Raj Jagatsinh’s artistic flair extends beyond music; he is an accomplished writer, director, and author. His YouTube channel features a collection of short films and Bollywood-style videos that have captivated audiences with their creativity and storytelling. His written work includes the inspiring book “Eternal India,” which stirs the flames of nationalism within the hearts of countless youth.
Recognizing his contributions to society and the youth, Raj Jagatsinh was felicitated by the Chief Minister of Gujarat, a testament to his impact and commitment. His dedication to social upliftment and his ability to inspire millions is a testament to his character and mission.”Hume Pyar Hai Vatan Se” is not merely a song; it is a rallying cry for unity, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, and a celebration of India’s diversity. Raj Jagatsinh’s story and his journey serve as a beacon of hope for all, reminding us that even in the face of adversity, one can rise, inspire, and make a lasting difference.
Muskan Bamne’s Captivating Performance In HUME PYAR HAI VATAN SE Sung By Amit Mishra And Written By Raj Jagatsinh Breaks The Internet
Raipur, August 26th – The air was charged with an electrifying sense of new beginnings as AAFT University in Raipur unfurled the curtains on its 2023 academic session in a spectacular inauguration ceremony. The distinguished event was graced by the presence of Dr. Sandeep Marwah, an internationally acclaimed media luminary and the esteemed Chancellor of AAFT University.
Bobby Deol, the illustrious actor celebrated for his unforgettable performances in blockbuster movies like “Barsaat,” “Race 3,” “Gupt – The Hidden Truth,” “Kareeb,” “Soldier,” “Dilagi,” “Badal,” “Ajnabi,” “Humraaz,” and his recent television venture, “Aashram,” took center stage as the chief guest of this momentous occasion. Mr. Deol generously shared his invaluable insights and experiences from the dynamic world of media and entertainment with the eager and enthusiastic students. He gracefully fielded questions posed by the students, offering them a captivating glimpse into the multifaceted realm of entertainment.
Radiating enthusiasm, Bobby Deol remarked, “I consider it a distinct privilege to inaugurate the new session at AAFT University in Raipur. This presents a wonderful opportunity for me to connect with the young, vibrant students who aspire to mold their careers across various dimensions of the business world.”
Under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Sandeep Marwah, AAFT University proudly boasts a venerable legacy spanning three decades in the realm of education. The university’s extensive alumni network, comprising thirty thousand graduates from 145 countries, now stands as luminous ambassadors in their respective industries. AAFT University is not only celebrated as a global case study in education across twenty-seven countries but also holds the distinct honor of creating nine World Records. Notably, it is the institution most frequently celebrated for its innovation, exclusivity, and pioneering role in skill development in India.
Inspirational and motivational, Dr. Sandeep Marwah addressed the gathering of students, stating, “The time has come for each of us to step out of our comfort zones and apply ourselves earnestly in our chosen fields, thereby propelling our nation to greater heights. Success is not merely handed to us; it is earned through dedication, punctuality, and unwavering commitment. Well-educated and trained students are poised to explore boundless opportunities and reach new horizons.”
The event witnessed the presence of the entire administrative and academic leadership of AAFT University, including Directors, Deans, and Faculty members.
The inauguration of the 2023 session at AAFT University in Raipur marks the initiation of an exhilarating journey for aspiring students. Here, they will receive world-class education and training, priming them to excel in their chosen fields. With the guidance of distinguished personalities like Dr. Sandeep Marwah and the invaluable insights shared by Bobby Deol, this session promises to be truly exceptional.
Star Actor Bobby Deol Lights Up AAFT University’s 2023 Academic Session In Grand Inauguration
Crypto DeFi Decentralized Finance Ecosystems is Getting A Boost On Social Media.
The Economic Times on dated 22 Aug. 2023 released an article about Digital assets and mainstream adoption: Changing paradigm of personal finance.
Moreover, the concept of financial literacy has gained prominence, urging people to take charge of their economic well-being. As a result, the personal finance industry like DeFi Decentralised Finance systems has witnessed a revolution, placing a stronger emphasis on convenience, transparency, and user-centric solutions to cater to the demands of today’s lenders and borrowers.
The inception of digital assets traces its origins to 1998, marked by Nick Szabo’s visionary concept of ‘bit gold’ – a decentralized digital asset. Cut to 2023, cryptos are the most well-known digital assets with more than 20,000 of them in circulation.
What Is Decentralized Finance ( DeFi) and How Does It Work?
Decentralized finance ( DeFi) is an emerging model for organizing and enabling cryptocurrency-based transactions, exchanges and financial services. DeFi‘s core premise is that there is no centralized authority to dictate or control operations.
Decentralised Finance uses the blockchain technology that cryptocurrencies use. A blockchain is a distributed and secured database or ledger. Applications called dApps are used to handle transactions and run the blockchain.
Uses of DeFi :
Peer-to-peer (P2P) financial transactions are one of the core premises behind DeFi. A P2P DeFi transaction is where two parties agree to exchange cryptocurrency for goods or services without a third party involved.8
In DeFi, P2P can meet an individual’s loan needs, and an algorithm would match peers that agree on the lender’s terms, and a loan is issued. Payments from P2P are made via a decentralized application, or dApps, and follow the same process in the blockchain.
The dApps MetaMask the leading self-custodial wallet app which have 1cr + users, listed some of the best DeFi Dapps across the most popular ecosystems including Decentralized Lending and borrowing Finance dApps. Like Aave, Compound Finance on Ethereum Blockchain and venture Crypto Crowd Finance on BNB Blockchain and also Curve, DeFi Server, MakerDAO CDP, Nexus Mutual, PoolTogther, Pickle Finance, Token Sets, Yearn, Zapper, Zerion, pTokens etc. on Ethereum Blockchain.
Moreover, the concept of financial literacy has gained prominence, urging people to take charge of their economic well-being. As a result, the personal finance industry has witnessed a revolution, placing a stronger emphasis on convenience, transparency, and user-centric solutions to cater to the demands of today’s investors.
Increasing crypto investments over the years
Between 2018 and 2020, the worldwide user base of crypto experienced a substantial growth of almost 190%, and this growth trend accelerated even further in 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Crypto Assets Defi Decentralised Finance Ecosystem Is Getting A Boost On Social Media
मुम्बई 24 अगस्त: भारतीय रेलवे माल गोदाम श्रमिक संघ 1998 से श्रमिकों के हक और अधिकार के लिए संघर्ष कर रही है। लेकिन संगठन की आड़ में कुछ लोग रुपये के लालच में संगठन को बदनाम कर रहे हैं। जिसे किसी भी सूरत में बर्दास्त नहीं किया जाएगा। उक्त बातें माल गोदाम श्रमिक संघ के महाराष्ट्र राज्य सचिव संतोष थोरात ने कही है। पत्रकारों के साथ बातचीत के दौरान श्री थोरात ने कहा है कि संगठन किसी से भी नाजायज राशि नहीं लेती है। संगठन सिर्फ श्रमिकों से प्रत्येक माह पांच रुपये की दर से चंदा लेती है, जिससे संगठन का दिनचर्या चलता है। संतोष थोरात ने कहा कि सामाजिक संगठन चलाने की आड़ लेकर कुछ फेसबुकिया चैनल और यूट्यूबर लोग पैसे बसूली करने की नीयत रखकर संगठन को बदनाम करने की साजिश रच रहे हैं, जो किसी कीमत पर भी बर्दाश्त नहीं किया जाएगा। श्री थोरात ने कहा कि माल गोदाम श्रमिक संगठन श्रमिकों के खून-पसीने से चल रहा है।
अब श्रमिकों को न्याय मिलने का समय आ गया है, जिसमें कुछ असामाजिक तत्व लोगों को गुमराह करने में लगे हैं। लेकिन श्रमिक उनके मंसूबों को कामयाब नहीं होने देंगे। संतोष थोरात ने कहा कि कुछ सफेदपोश यूट्यूबर झूठी खबर चलाकर रुपये ऐंठने की कोशिश में थे। लेकिन उनकी जब एक न चली, तो उन्होंने झूठी खबरें चलाकर संगठन के लोगों को बदनाम करने की साजिश करने लगे। इसमें यूट्यूबरों का सहारा लिया गया। संतोष थोरात ने कहा कि जिस तथाकथित सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता हरीश बेकावड़े ने संगठन पर आरोप लगाया है, वह तथ्यहीन और बेबुनियाद है। उन्होंने बताया कि हरीश द्वारा पेन थाने में शिकायत किये जाने के बाद संगठन के 40 लोगों ने थाने में पहुंच कर अपनी सफाई भी दी थी। बेरोजगारों से पैसे की उगाही का आरोप पूरी तरह से बेबुनियाद है।
संतोष थोरात ने कहा कि संगठन सिर्फ पांच रुपये प्रति माह के हिसाब से चंदा लेती है। अगर श्रमिक कभी किसी बड़े आयोजन या संगठन का कार्यक्रम करते हैं तो बड़ी राशि की जरूरत होती है, जिसे संगठन के लोग आपस में कुछ अधिक राशि का सहयोग चंदा करके करते हैं। संतोष थोरात ने कहा कि तथाकथित सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता हरीश बेकावड़े संगठन के लोगों से पैसे वसूली के चक्कर में गुमराह करने में लगा है। संतोष थोरात ने कहा कि किसी भी थाने में हमलोगों या संगठन के ऊपर किसी सदस्य ने कोई शिकायत नहीं किया है। ये हरीश बेकावड़े द्वारा पैसे वसूली करने की साजिश है, जिसमें कुछ युट्यूबर भी शामिल हैं। अगर किसी थाने में मामला दर्ज हुआ है तो हरीश को मीडिया में उसका केस नंबर भी बताना चाहिए। इस तरह से संगठन को बदनाम करने की उनकी मंशा कभी भी सफल नहीं होगी।
संतोष थोरात ने बताया कि जब श्रमिकों की मांग को अंजाम तक पहुंचाने का समय आता है तो ऐसे ही कुछ असामाजिक तत्व संगठन की आड़ में आरोप-प्रत्यारोप शुरू कर देते हैं। लेकिन श्रमिक संघ पूरी ईमानदारी के साथ श्रमिकों की मांगों को अंजाम तक पहुंचा कर ही दम लेगा और ऐसे असामाजिक तत्वों को मुंहतोड़ जवाब देगा।
हरीश के मंसूबों को कामयाब नहीं होने देगा माल गोदाम श्रमिक संघ : संतोषथोरात
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